Monday, July 10, 2017

June Council 2017 Notes and Actions.

June Council Session 2017 CRST
Cheyenne River Motel Conference Room, Eagle Butte, SD 57625

Day 1 June 6, 2017
Called to Order at 9:40 a.m.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bernita, Derek, John, Robert, Mark, Wade Tator, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, Raymond.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Kim, Charlene.

Emergency Enrollment
Motion to approve the emergency enrollment for Janice. Passed.

Motion to approve Hodges enrollment. Passed.

Secretary Report
Motion to approve prior minutes. Passed.

Executive Resolutions
Motion to approve resolution for travel for Ryman LeBeau to Lawrence, KS. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution to add Misti Hebb to the range unit. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution to add Ginger Bowman to Range Unit 169 with Gary Dupris and Jim Bowman. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution to add Edward Widow to Range Unit  with Edwin Widow.

Motion to approve resolution easement for Frank Thompson homesite sewer line. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for easement for the Heavy Equipment training program. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E  2017CR borrow pit for gravel, slide are route 3 detour. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E2017CR new borrow pit for gravel, White Horse,

Motion to approve the resolution E 2017 locations for Heavy Equip Training. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution easment for improvement for Tuff Thompson residence. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution easement for Tuffy Thompson to install improvements on Range Unit. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution Daniel Gray Range Unit 413 for improvements, artesian well. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution tribal lands Farm Pasture leased to Carlyle Dx, Brenda Viet, trade request by Bessy Moudy, Bernie In The Woods, BIA realty office for appraisals. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution Daniel Gray Range Unit 413 for improvements, livestock waterpipeline. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E1712017CR Unci Marcella LeBeau homesite easement to install new sewerline. Passed.

Motion to Refer Back To committee, the resolution E1722017CR add Wiyaka Chasing Hawk to the late father’s Range Unit. Passed to refer to land Committee.

Motion to approve resolution easments for improvements on tribal lands for dug out, natural springs to catch the water. Passed.

Motion to E 174 2017CR Joann Dx to add to Hilda Dx estate and Tommy Dx, Marty Lawrence Range Unit 275.  Failed.

Motion to to approve resolution E1752017CR Jess Carmicheal land trade with the Tribe. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E1762017CR Ryman LeBeau travel authorization Anahiem, CA American Wind Energy Association. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E1772017CR easement for land improvements for CRST Dept of Transportation. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E1782017CR easement for improvements Habitat Housing, Heavy Equipment program. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E1792017CR Headstart consultant Germaine Joens to provide Financial and budget mangement services. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E1802017CR travel authorization for Ryman LeBeau to attend Native Nation Rebuilders Reunion, Bloomington, MN.

Motion to approve resolution E1812017CR to award general contractor for Laplant C Store Project to Sharpe Enterprises $2,837,500.00 Passed.

Motion to approve E1672017CR easement for improvements, water pipeline on RU287 leased to Sid Laplant, Colt Peterson. Passed.
Motion to approve E1552017CR travel authorization for Harold Frazier to Irvine, CA Indigenous People and the Enviroment: Compelling Urgency and Imperative for Action conference. Passed.
--end of exec. Resolutions--

Chairman gives the floor to the following:
1) Melvin Garreaux gives a prayer.

2) Maida LeBeau talks about full bloods and 332nd.

3) Melda Garreaux talks about lands, lakota language teachers, blood quantum, enrollment.

4) Shannon Brown talks about history. Says to support lakota language. He said we were tested when we went to Wash. DC and no one could speak Lakota (not even).  He wants peace.

5) Mary Lee Johns speaks about attending lakota classes with Manny Iron Hawk and also Sidney Keith.

6) Francine Hall speaks about a list about language being in danger.

Lunch break. 1:00 pm.
Called back to order 2:39 pm.

District Reports
District 1 - No quorum.

District 2 - no quorum.

District 3 - no quorum.

District 4 - no quorum.

District 5
April 27, 2017 minutes
Motion to advertise all range units for the 2018 allocation and cut down the 400 to 200 head of cows cap. Referred to Land Committee.

Motion by resolution to preserve the Lakota language, to keep the current staff, and to get more teachers to assist staff. Refer to Wolakota committee.

Motion to file an injunction against the buffalo boad to stop repairing dams at the VE land as there are federal monies available. No action.

Motion to nominate Francine Hall for Dist. 5 TECA Board. Tabled because other applicant filed through the established process.

May 17, 2017 minutes
Motion to reinstate the CR Housing Authority board. No action - council has a proposed pending Housing Law.

Motion to rescind the Tribal Council action appointment of Tyson Laplant as LTM manager. Motion to take no action. Passed.

Motion to amend Election Ordinance to include “that all candidates for the tribal executives as Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Tribal Council are required to have ¼ or more Lakota Sioux blood”  Chairman: Called out of order because the CRST Constitn’.

Motion to approve and refer the “all tribal attorneys are required to know the foundations of American Indian law”. Passed.

Motion to abolish the absentee and affidavit voting due to the abuse of regulations. Refer to Election Board.
Motion to establish an Alcohol and Drug Task Force so our Tribe can continue the war on drugs. Failed.
--end of District 5 report--

Discussion on Chief of Police.

At 4:10 pm Chairman recessed until 9:30 a.m.

Day 2 Wednesday June 7, 2017
Called to order by Chairman Frazier at 9:35 a.m.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, John, Robert, Ed, Mark, Tator, Ryman, Merrie.
Prayer by Tator.
Late: Bryce, Derek, Bernita, Raymond.

Budget Committee  May 31st 2017 minutes
Motion to donate $2000 for the City of EB for fireworks show. Passed.

Motion to approve the request of $36,000 to the Veterans for building repairs. Passed.

Motion to approve to use the Contract Support Costs $100,000.00 to use between Public Defenders office $50k and Prosecutors Office $50k. Passed.

Motion to approve budget request for the Fred Dupree Memorial Wagon Ride for $3,000.00  Passed.

Motion to approve $125,000.00 for the Medicine Wheel Village. Passed.

Chairman presents the following budget related requests:
Motion to approve and refer to admin. Battle of Little Big Horn ride funding request 1) $3500 request from Greg Thompson and 2) another request. Passed.

Motion to refer to the budget committee funding request from New Hope Homeless Shelter. Passed.
--end of budget report--

Council Chairman discusses Rahma funds remaining balence $5 million. Special Council session to be set up to decide what to use the money on.

Economic Development Committee Report
May 26, 2017 minutes
Motion to rescind the Skull Construction contract for the Laplant C store due to the construction budget. Passed.

(Council already approved the Laplant C Store construction contract to Sharpe Enterprizes by executive resolution. But on record still was the Skull award).

Motion to approve the Sharpe Enterprizes for $837,074.00 Health Clinic parking lots in White Horse and Cherry Creek. Passed

June 5, 2017 minutes
Motion to approve the WoLakota Construction contract for the swimming pool repair and renovation project $380,996.00. Passed.

Motion to rescind the Sharp Enterprises contract $837,074.00 for Healthclinic parkinglots. Passed.
(Dispute resolution in the contract is not clear)

Motion to pay $190,000.00 back taxes for LTM using Rahmah settlement money. Passed.
(Tribe will receive 80% back from this. Also, clears the way for the Takini C-store to be opened up by getting a loan)

Motion to approve LTM C-store and Movie Theater signage in the amount of $180,000.00. (using Rahama settlement funds). Motion changed to REFER to Budget committee. Passed.

Motion to approve the Sharpe Enterprizes for $837,074.00 Health Clinic parking lots in White Horse and Cherry Creek. Passed
(council rescinded earlier but nothing was wrong with the dispute resolution couple of Reps panicked)

Education Report
May 18, 2017 minutes
Motion to approve the Title One contracts 2017/18 for the C-EB School. Passed.

Motion to approve the Title One contracts 2017/18 for the Tiospaye Topa School. Passed.

Motion to refer the Lakota language Educator Certificate Permits to the Wolakota committee forthe South Dakota State Licensure. Passed.

Other Ed. Related actions by council.
Motion to have the CRST Ed Committee meet with the Principle to get info on the Track and Field renovations. Passed.

Motion to have the CRST Ed. Committee continue to be the Takini School Board.  Passed.
--end of education report--

Chairman Presents Resolution
Motion to approve resolution for amendment to the Tribal Census resolution which extends the deadline for the census from June 1, 17 to be done by Sept. 1 2017. Failed.

Executive session. 4:40 pm. / Out of executive session at 510pm.

Council recessed unitl Friday June 9th.

Day 3 June 9th, 2017
Called to order at 9:31 am by Chairman Frazier.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Robert, Mark, Tator, Ted, Merrie, Raymond.
Late: Ryman (9:34 am)
Prayer by Robert.

Floor time, given to Grandparent group:
Rose Mitchell and MaDonna Thunder Hawk. Rose brings up her son Steven Mitchell custody case and requests help.

Motion to refer to loan committee. Passed.

Motion to approve legal counsel Dana Hanna for Steven Mitchell Custody Case and set up a ICWA Replenishment fund. Failed.

Floor Time for Bill Pictote re: Land request for houses.

Executive session at 11:25 am. / Out of Exec. sesh at 1:10 pm.

Motion to reconsider the Tribal Census amendments to resolution. Passed.

Motion to approve the Tribal Census amendments to resolution. Passed.

Motion to strike section 22c or 24c in the Ordinance 14 Election law. Failed.
(would allow council reps to run for chairman, treasurer, secretary.)

Oglala Sioux Tribal President sends a check for $5,000.00 messenger presents the check to the Council. For: the Water Protector Wopila Powwow at Wakpa Sica June 18th.

Motion to reconsider the failed motion on Steven Mitchell to get legal counsel and defence fund.  Tabled.

Lunch break.
Called back to order at 3:03 pm.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Ed, Tator, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, Raymond.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Kim, Charlene.

Floor time for Tribal Contract Lawyer Mark Van Norman:
Presents a resolution on Hemp. Says we need to change the Congressional law in order to grow it. The tribes were left out.

Motion to approve hemp resolution “calling upon Congress to Treat Indian Tribes as States for purposes of growing hemp in the 2017 agriculture act.” Failed.

Motion to approve Climate Change Resolution to join the Paris Agreement. Passed.

Eagle Thunder Housing Development corporation:
Motion to approve resolution to approve the land lease 110 acres. Failed.

(Land is south of the Badger Park project.)

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