July 18, 2017
District 5 Oyate,
Hope everyone is keeping cool in this heat. Find the summary of Council below and attached the actions/notes from council. Any questions give me a call or text.
July 4th Tuesday - No quorum. 8 council reps and the VC showed up for Council. A special session was set up for the July 11th to finish business.
July 11th Day 1 Council stayed busy doing the minutes for the following committees: Budget, Claims, Economic Development, Education, Health, Human Services, Law & Order, Veterans, Wolakota.
July 12th Day 2 Council spent the day doing the Land Report. It was three months behind. Range Unit 350 JD Johnson - was cancelled due to falsification issues. Council got an update on the wind energy project from Oceti Sakowin Power Authority. They asking for the tribe to do a collateral investment in our own project.
July 13th Day 3 We heard from the general public. Update on progress from Cheyenne River Economic Development Corporation board. Out of the remaining Ramah money $5.4 million Council repaid the General Fund the $900,000 that was spent on NoDAPL fight and wants plans developed for rest of it $4.5 million. Of the $900,000 NoDAPL fight - About 750,000 is legal fees, court costs. The rest is what was spent on the Camp, gas, food, other. Council adjourned by the Chairman. 8pm.
Anpetu washte yuha po,
Ryman LeBeau
District 5 Councilman
CRST July Regular Session 2017
CR Motel Conference Room, Eagle Butte, SD
July 4th 2017 Day One
Called to order at 9:35 by Vice Chairman Robert Chasing Hawk.
Roll Call: Jim Pearman, Bryce In The Woods, Bernita In The Woods, Derek Bartlett, John Kessler, Ryman LeBeau, Merri Miller.
Late: Raymond Uses The Knife.
Prayer by Ryman.
8 council reps present, No quorum. Adjourned
CRST July Special Session 2017
Multipurpose Building, Dupree, Great Sioux Nation.
July 11th 2017 Day One Tuesday
Called to Order by Chairman Frazier at 9:42 a.m.
Roll call: Kevin Keckler, Jim Pearman, Tuffy Thompson, Bryce In The Woods, Bernita In The Woods, Derek Bartlett, John Kessler, Robert Chasing Hawk, Mark Knight, Wade Tator Ward, Ted Knife, Ryman LeBeau, Raymond Uses The Knife.
Late: Merri Miller-White Bull.
Also present: Treasurer Benita Clark, Secretary Evann White Evann, Assistant Sec. Kim Rave.
Prayer by Ryman.
Secretary Report
Motion to approve prior minutes of April and November 2017. Passed.
Motion to approve the advertise the vacant Telephone Authority Board. Passed.
Executive Resolutions
Motion to approve resolution for Todds Electric contract Headstart security lights. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution E1882017CR to install fiber in tribal lands for easment. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution easement for Cheryl Dupris to use as storage for constuction materials on lot down town Eagle Butte SD. Passed.
Motion to approve E1902017CR resolution for travel Councilman Edward Widow to Little Big Horn June 25th. Passed.
Motion to approve E1922017CR resolution for CRST DOT, grant from SDDOT, Contract for Brozs Engineering 2 years, change order 1, $81,000 phase 2 and 3 No Heart expansion pathway. Passed.
Motion to approve E1942017CR resolution to assign tribal 45 “old Rocky Lecompte” lot in Eagle Butte SD, to Joe Lafferty Jr. Passed.
Motion to approve E1932017CR resolution change order 1, Broz Engineering contract, $35,000 Light Pathway engineering design. Passed.
Motion to approve E1952017CR resolution Sex Offender Registering, SMART, Adam Walsh Act, application for grant. Passed.
Motion to approve E1962017CR resolution for Kichopi Nagi 2017, Missouri Breaks, Tribal Health. Passed.
Motion to approve E1972017CR resolution for drought assistance request, to take all steps necessary to prevent dissaster, Request SD Delegation, USDA Secretary, Declares drought dissaster July 1st 2017. Passed.
Ramah Settlement $5.4 million Remaining
Ramah Settlement Workgroup (1 meeting made up of Council Reps) proposing list of projects Infrastructure, Programs, Emergency Managment, Landfill. Council will take this up on Thursday.
Called back to order at 2pm.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Mark, Tator, Ted, Ryman.
Executives: Chairman Harold, Treasurer Clark, Secretary Evann White Feather
District Reports
District 1 - no quorum
District 2 - no quorum
District 3 - no quorum
District 4 - no quorum
District 6 - no quorum
Dist. 5 Report
June 17th minutes
Motion to use 1 million dollars for housing. Passed.
July 6, 2017 minutes
Motion to have a house to house tribal census by resolution. Refer to Election Board. Passed.
Motion to advertise the HR Directors position by resolution. Refer to Legal Failed.
Motion by resolution rescind the District 5 January 31, 2011 action to abolish the CRHA Board/Ordinance 28: this includes reinstating the Elected CRHA board/ Ordinance 28 as the board would represent all 6 districts. Motion to table until Council addresses the draft Housing Ordinance. Passed.
--end of District Reports--
Budget & Finance Report
Motion to have the Tribal Treasurer work with Fredricks Pebbles (tracey z) requesting all attorney fees be sumitted through the end of June . Passed.
-end of budget report-
Economic Development Committee Report
Motion to approve the change order for Country Carpet and Flooring for the Multipurpose Building in Dupree, SD. Passed.
Motion to refer to Health Committee the Tally Plume proposal for healthcare partnership with Rural Healthcare Logistics. Passed.
--end of Econ. Dev. Report--
Education Report
June 14, 2017 minutes
Motion to refer to the Human Services Committee to assign two old IHS houses for two certified teachers for the Title 1 program. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the Headstart Director to submit for one time funding for the Health and Safety to the Health and Human Services Agency. Passed.
Motion to approve for Floyd Smith for the chain link fencing for the EB bus garage, the Cherry Creek and Dupree out centers. Hold up.
Motion to approve the AISES Surveys to send to Kathy Deer In Water in support of the AISES proposal. Passed.
(American Indian Science Engineering Society)
Motion that headstart busses are to be used only for headstart activities and to follow the HHS guidlines. Passed.
(CRST Admin. Would direct the Headstart staff to turn over school vehicles for a individual person’s use. One guy took a headstart vehicle to North Caroline for a wedding and had car trouble.)
--end of education report--
Health Report
May 11, 2017 minutes.
Motion to approve the resolution for the IHS to put in playgrounds for recreation at CR IHS Housing. Passed.
(IHS never installed play grounds or recreation places witin the IHS Housing. So now we would like them to build a softball field, basketball courts, play grounds, park with all their yet to be used funds)
Motion that all correspondence from IHS go to not only to the Chairman also to Tribal Health. Passed.
(Health Committee Chair says the Tribal Health isn’t getting mail from IHS b/c everything is sent to the Chairman.)
Motion for Charlene Red Thunder to Provide the steps to put the detox program under the 638 master health contract. Passed.
June 20, 2017 minutes. No motions in the report.
--end of report--
Human Services Report
Motion to approve Habitat Sewer Renovation Project pending paper work and documentation for replacement sewer project submission for IHS to write a grant to use for cost shares to refer to the Budget committee for funding.
Motion to approve by resolution for Tribal Chairman to submit a service plan and request funding forom the US Deprtment of HHS, Admin for Children and Families, Family and Youth Service Bearueauy JJS 0218 ACF ACYF FVPS . Passed.
(grant application)
--end of Human Services Report--
Law & Order Report
April 21st, 2017 minutes.
Motion -- ( didn’t hear this motion.. Hard to hear in that dupree Mulitpurpose buidling and didn’t have a copy of the mins bc they are so old.)
Motion to approve the resolution on the hiring process. Motion carried.
May 22, 2017 minutes.
Motion to set up hearings on the traffic code in Cherry Creek, Dupree, Laplant, and Eagle Butte. No action.
June 20, 2017 minutes.
Motion to research and review the procedural rule in regards to frivolous cases to the Attorney Gerneral’s Office. Passed.
(tribe has been getting sued a lot lately and the Judges are not throwing out the silly cases because there is nothing in the rules that allow him to do that so he has to have a hearing on all the cases filed and its cloggin up the system).
Motion to approve by Executive Resolution the fingerprinting and Identification Data Base, since there was no Council, and in dire need to get this established. Passed.
Motion to approve travel for CRST Police Officers and Chief to attend meeting on cattle rustling in Boise, ID. Passed.
-end of Law Order report-
Roads Report
Motion to approve by resolution to install a turning lanes at the Takini C store. Passed.
Motion to approve by resolution that highway 63, North of Moreau River needs shoulder work. Passed.
Wolakota Report
All in house actions. No actions for Council at this time.
5:22pm Council Recessed to the next day 9:30 a.m.
Day 2 July 12, 2017
Chairman Frazier called the meeting to order at:
Council Roll Call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Robert, Mark, Tator, Ted, Ryman, Merri, Raymond.
Prayer by Bryce.
Executives; Evann, Assist. Kim, Benita. Harold.
Absent: Ed.
Land Report
March 21, 2017 minutes
Motion to approve resolution assigning Mike Claymore 18.43 acres for fishing biz on the River. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution completeing Marty Heb land exchange with the tribe. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Kim Annis 1.5 lots in EB legal description correction. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for the SD DOT to survey Tribal Trust lands, highway 65, road repair and culverts. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for IHS easment/permit on tribal land to install a new sewerline into an existing main line on First Street in EB. Passed.
Motion to approve Trade Us Agreement for Range Unit 375. Passed.
Motion to approve fee to trust lands for the off reservation resolution. Passed.
April 24th 2017 minutes
Motion to approve land assignment CR Housing Authority for Community Building in Cherry Creek (powwow grounds area). Passed.
Homesite assignments
Motion to approve land assignment CR Housing Authority for Community building in Laplant. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Lexi Keckler, 5 acre homesite assignment located within RU 17. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Crystal White Plume, 5 acre homesite assignment located within RU 233. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Kathleen Smith, 5 acre homesite assignment located within RU 199. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Cody Livermont, 5 acres homesite assignment located within RU 199. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Kyanne Dillabaugh, 5 acres homestie assignment located within RU 199. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Rhylee Dillabaugh, 2.5 acres, Homestie assignment located within RU 199. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution Sid Laplant and Colt Peterson’s easement /permit on Tribal land to install new livestock water pipeline located wihtin RU 287. Passed.
Motion to approve trade use agreeement for RU 18. Passed.
Motion to approve trade use agreement for RU 33. Passed.
Motion to approve Trade Use Agreement for RU 61. Passed.
Motion to approve Richard Marty Ward land exchange with the tribe and that he can make 2 payments on the difference of appraisal value to the Tribe by Sept 2017. Passed.
Motion to refer to land policy to develop policy on land exchanges. Passed.
Motion to approve to amend resolution 922017CR to correct the legal description for Gregg Bourlands land exchange with the Tribe. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for appraissals on Floyd Hart proposed land exchange. Passed.
Called to order at 202pm.
Roll Call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Mark, John, Mark, Tator, Ryman, Merri, Raymond.
Late Derek, Ted.
Land Report continued..
May 31st minutes.
Farm Pastures
Motion to approve resolution for Brenda Veit farm pasture 100799, $3.00 / acre, 240 acres, 5 year lease. Passed.
Motion to approve to rescind roslution E2772017 and award FP 100989 to David D Nelson, 5 years lease, $5.58/acre, 23.43 acres. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution to awrd Farm Pasture 100242 to Jeanne & Krystan Brooks for a 5 year lease, 160 acres, $16.50/acre. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution to award FP abstract 999 to Gib Marshal, 5 year, $26.26/acre, 180.55 acres, $4,741.24 annually. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution to award FP 999bla to Ginger Bowman, 5 years, $30/acre, 105.80 acres, $3174.00. Passed.
Motion to approve to split the lands surrounding the Frazier Church into Range Unit 154 and Range Unit 67. Passed.
Motion to collect the bond and let the farm parsture sit for two years before leasing. (FP100872 Carlin Jewett leasee, starved horses, and over grazed the lands.) Passed.
Motion to approve resolution IHS is (proposing to keep pubic informed of the clinic hours and other info) request easment for scrolling marque signs (next to the skate park). Passed.
Motion to refer resolution IHS is (proposing to keep pubic informed of the clinic hours and other info) requesting for easment for scrolling marque sign (next to the movie theater). Referred to Econ Dev. Committee.
Motion to approve resolution IHS is (proposing to keep pubic informed of the clinic hours and other info) for easement for scrolling marque sign (across the highway 212 from the PW grounds). Passed.
More Homesites
Motion to approve resolution for rescinding reso #1132012CR and assign to Just Fiddler for homesite 5acres. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Ivan Looking Horse, Homesite assignment, 5 acres, within RU 113. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Memory Cook and Shirley Gray Eagle, 5 acres Homesite, located within RU 276. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Romanus Oakie, 2.5 acre Homesite, locates within Redscaffold Community. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Kathleen Tiger for 1 lot within the No Heart community. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Lisa High Elk for 2 lots within the Green Grass community. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for William Jr. and Deedra High Bear for 2 lots within the Eagle Butte community. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Karyn Veit for 2 lots within the Dupree community. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Roy Veit for 2 lots within the Dupree community. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Esther Virginia White Feather, 2 lots within the Dupree community. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Carlyle Ducheneaux, New Livestock water pipeline from artesian well, easement/permit. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Carlyle Dx, New livestock water dam within RU 109, easement/permit on tribal lands. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Floyd Smith, new livestock water dam within RU 72, easement/permit for tribal lands. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Floyd Smith, new livestock water dam within RU 72, easement/permit for tribal lands. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Mary Kay Gesinger for new livestock water pipeline from artesian well within range unit 282, easement/permit on tribal lands. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Brady Birkeland for easement/permit stockdam construction, within RU 136. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Brady Birkeland for easement/permit to install Livestock water pipeline, within RU 136. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for an esement / permit for right of way on Tribal land to bore through BIA route 9 for a livestock water pipeline which is located within RU 318. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for CR DOT easement/permit on Tribal Lands to reapir a slide area located south of the Blackfoot community. Passed.
Motion to approve the Trade Use agreement RU 184
Motion to approve to direct BIA to get appraisals on Joshua Logg land sale. Passed.
Motion to refer to Budget Committee for Amedee Quidors prosed sale of land. Passed.
Motion to direct the BIA to acquire approasials on Alicia Black Bears propsed sale of land and refer to Budget Committee. Passed.
Motion to aprpove resolution to correct the legal description of the Tribal land involved in the proposed land exchange with Gene Hunt. Passed.
Motion to approve the Joint permit request to add Donita Dubray Fischer , Ross Dupray and Diane Dubray as joint pernittee onto RU 173 with Richard Dubray, Tuffy Thompson, and Elroy Dubray estate. Failed - no 2nd.
June 19th 2017 minutes
Motion to approve resolution for Murphy Smit and Marty Lyn Smith homesite 5 acres, within RU. Passed.
Motion to approve to amend Resoltuion 187-80CR to add Ryan Burnette to the homesite assignment. Passed.
Motion to approve to resolution for Luann Cloud Eagle for homesite 5 acres in the community of Green Grass. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for the three lots located next the old Taco Johns for trailer house lots. Passed.
Motion to rescind resolution assigning land lots to Rebecca Laplant JTR trips business site. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for homesite assignment for Sullivan White Wolf where the assignment the Tribe owns a undivided ⅙ interest. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Andrew Traversies’ for consent to establish a five acre home site located on alloteed land within tract x 289 in which the tribe owns a ⅙ interest. Passed.
Motion to rescind reso 4952011CR and assign Waylon Young Bird one lot on tribal land for a home site located wtihin the Meadowlark Hill community EB. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution assigning Issac Halfred Sr one lot on tribal land for a home site located within the No Heart Housing area, EB. Passed
Motion to approve resolution allocating Eagle Thunder Housing Development Corp. and assignment of forty acres of Tribal land to establish low income tax credit and home ownership housing loacted east of the commuity of Eagle Butte. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for land assigning the IHS for New Water Tower in Dupree, SD. Passed.
Motion to approve the resolution for easement/permits for a right of way on tribal land to construct a new road for Omaka Luta Sundacne grounds located south of BIA Route 6. Failed.
Motion to approve resolution for Darci Harpers request for a permit/easement for a crossing on Tribal land to install a new livestock water pipeline witin Range Unit 423. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution to add Corey Knight to RU 356 with Karan Knight. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution awarding FP 100196 to Ramona Simon, $7.10 / acres, 268 acres of native pasture, $1,902.80 annually. Passed.
Motion to approve to cancel RU 440 due to non compliance. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution to acquire appraisals on Anita Traversie Thompson proposed sale of land. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution to complete Marcy Miner’s land exchange, Marcy will waive the $500 difference. Passed.
July 10th, 2017 minutes
Motion to cancel RU 350 due to falsification and non compliance. Passed.
Motion to direct BIA to remove cattle from Range Unit 350 and move to Faith livestock. Passed.
Motion to give Daris Laplant a Pasture Authorization for RU 440. Tabled.
--end of Land report--
Red Scaffold Request for building
Motion by resolution to turn the old EPD building over to the Local Tri Community board. Passed.
Wind Energy Project: OSPA Presentation on Collateral for loan from Native American Bank. And possible developers/partners.
K Group - 300 mw of wind power currently. Also manage solar power.
A Group - 3 gw of wind power that they manage currently.
Makes an offer to OSPA Joint Venture 51/49 with 50/50 share of revenue.
Sales tax alone CR will be about 14 million for a 200mw farm. 600mw farm would basically triple this! 42 million.
At 700pm Council Recessed to the next day 930 a.m.
Day 3 Thursday July 13th 2017.
Called to order by chairman Frazier at: 9:53 a.m.
Council Roll Call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, John, Ed, Tator, Ted, Ryman, Raymond.
Also Present executives: Treasurer Clark, Harold, Evann, Kim assistant.
Prayer by Tuffy.
Motion to go into executive session/ out of executive session at 11:11 am.
Motion to rescind the prior council action on RU 440. Passed.
(law needs to be followed)
Ramah Settlement remaining money allocation of $5.4 million of $6.9 million.
Motion to table until plans are developed and to approve to pay back the General Fund $900,000. Passed.
(NoDapl fight costs the tribe over $900,000 about 750,000 is in legal fees and about $150,000 was spent on supporting the Camp, gas, food, shelters).
Lunch break.
2:02 pm Called back to order.
Roll call: Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Ed, Tator, Ted, Ryman, Merri, Raymond.
Cheyenne River Economic Development Corporation “CREDCO”
Boardmember Seth Pearman: Transfer all the tribal enterprizes to the Board?
Executive Director is going to be Jessica Four Bear.
Need Council’s direction where to push from here. What are the current goals for the Tribe’s businesses now? What does the Council want?
Council feed back on CREDCO.
Chairman Frazier: Council Econ Dev Cmte needs to Identify the enterprizes that will do under CREDCO authority. And get back a Dividend at least.
Council Rep Merri: Businesses grow. Expand. All of them grow. Move businesses. More jobs provided.
Council Rep: Independent from the Tribe (financially)
Council Rep: Take over some of these businesses.
Council Rep Bryce ITW: Good projects starts but dies when that council reps out of office/not interested by new council. Due dillagence on the budget and completion of projects.
Council Rep: Over site of the tribal businesses.
Council Rep Merri: Percentage tribal biz profits would go to the CREDCO to pay for it.
Jobs on the rez? or creating revenue for the Council to use?
Council Rep Bryce ITW: Job growth. Due dillagence.
Council Rep Merri: Make money - revenue. Council makes the relationship and CREDCO carries out the business part of it.
Sec. White Feather: Need Jobs put youth to work. Put biz for them they are the future. Make t shirts or caps. Paycheck then they’ll like to work. Learn to work.
Shannon Brown addresses Council Re: payment for Cherry Creek buidling collapse.
Motion to approve $2,500.00 for Shannon Brown’s and Charleen Anderson “injuries” (Cherry Creek Building collapse) Shannon says he now suffers from ptsd and bad dreams. Passed
(No proof or medical statements provided to Council). (Elderly lady in the crowd says: “I have bad dreams, pay me $2500”)
Steven Ducheneaux addresses Council Re: compensation for lands lost in the Pick Sloan Act. JTAC. Oahe Landowners.
Lynn Provost addresses Council Re: various health concerns for the Tribe.
Lady addresses Council (didnt state her name). Says she felt disrespect from council.
Edna Thompson addresses Council. Requests executive session.
Motion for executive session. Passed. 4:00 pm. / Out of executive session at 5:23 pm.
Ina Traversie for Pierre Traversie Re: severance pay. Long time employee program. 11 years for Law enforcement as Court Processor.
Motion to refer to the Claims and Enrollment Personnel Policy Committees. Passed.
Byron Buffalo, Shilo Ammiott, Dewey Kills Crow, Tamika Rico addresses Council on the Bridger Youth Horsemanship.
Motion to refer to the Budget Committee, ABC commission, and Admistration. Passed.
Motion to allow the use of the Takini Horsetrailer. Passed.
Motion to award them $20,000 for the Bridger Youth Horsemanship. Passed.
WillIam Howard addresses Council about the need for Foot Patrol:
Dupree: Many break ins or attempted break ins, violence, drunks fighting.
Amber Whitla addresses Council about a letter of support for Dupree YMCA: working on a safe, lighted, paved path through the community.
Motion to approve a letter of support. Passed.
Jaron Widow addresses Council: District 1 member wants a motion to better serve the financial needs of CR, that the funding will only for enrolled members. For programs like ICWA, LIHEAP.
Motion that all the programs only help enrolled tribal members. Failed.
Motion that all the tribal employess are not allowed to use their Tribal vehicles for personal use. Passed.
Motion to approve that the location known as the treeline be fenced, lighting installed, due to the unsolved death and hazardous living conditions. Passed.
Tribal Equitable Compensation Act Board (TECA)
Dist. 4: Sharon Lee
Dist. 5: Michelle Running Wolf
Dist. 6: Rhea Lecompt
Motion to approve for TECA Board. Passed.
School Board 95-561: one position vacant.
Rhea Lecompt or Lanora Hawk Eagle Wasna
Motion to approve Rhea Lecompte (most votes). Passed.
Takini School Board: two positions, 3 applicants.
June Runs After Hollow Horn, Dena Waloke, Arlis Briggs
June and Arlis get the most votes.
Motion to approve June Hollow Horn and Arlis Briggs. Passed.
Fair Board Report
Motion to approve resolution for the Fair, Rodeo, Powwow, other activities, authorizing a loan for $471,500.85. Passed.
Three Grandma’s: Rose Mitchell, Elaine Ward, Donna Clausen address council re: Moreau Grand Electric Co-op recieving $1 million dollars. Nothing for youth, Nothing for elders. No one working on their promises. Drought - what are you going to do? (gossip)
Rose: stop hiring people that work against us. Stick up for our own people.
Warren Buffalo addresses council regarding RU 440.
Warner Bros Movies
Motion by resolution to authorize Tracey Zephier to draft a letter of credit for Warner Bros (film company) in the amount $7,500.00. Passed.
TECA Resolution
Council reps and the Chairman argue about how to approve the TECA grants which by TECA law require three resolutions one for each “funding type”. Chairman and Sec. say need a resolution for each project so people can ‘referendum’ them if desired. (Point is mute bc Its already approved by resolution and the people can referendum any of those three resolutions already no difference. General Fund is approved by one resolution not by each department or program so silly fight created).
Due to the disagreement, Chairman Frazier adjourns the Special Council session at 8:10 pm. Hechetu welo.
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