Notes From the CRST November Regular
Council Session.
CR Motel Conf Room
Eagle Butte, GSN.
Day 1 November 5th 2019 NOTES
Called to order about 9:39 am by Chairman Frazier.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bob, Derek, John, Vincent, Mark, Tater, Ryman, RJ.
Late: 944 Merrie, Bryce.
Prayers: Bob Tuffy.
Secretary Report
TECA grant for Tribal Census.
Tribal Census Coordinator $25/hour. Assistant Tribal Census Coordinator $16/hour and 28 Tribal Census Taker $12/hour.
Start Date: once the hiring is done. Four month project.
District Reports
District 1 Dupree Manor.
Motion to refer to TECA Office “to accept the nomination for Edna T for the District No. 1 TECA board.” - Passed.
(this form of ‘nomination’ for TECA board is not in the TECA law.)
District 2 - no quorum
District 3 - no quorum
District 4 - no quorum
District 6 - no quorum
District 5
Motion to refer to law and order committee “increased patrolling for district 5 be addressed and referred to the Law & Order Committee and Chief of Police.” - Passed.
Motion to all tribal Programs will not reduce or waive fees bonds, hunting and fishing license costs for non members effective immediately. - Failed
Motion that all actions passed, and approved by CRST Tribal Council be acted on immediately. - Passed.
Motion to reaffirm the prior action that all financial requests go through the budget committee. - Passed.
Motion for “CRST recognize Anthony (Tony) Rivers as the oldest living tribal member, who turned 100 years old in April 2019.” Chairman says it's already done.
Motion to refer to Budget committee the Dist.’s “motion CRST to pay $160.00 towing fee for Deloria SH.” - Passed.
Motion to have CRST Council direct CRHA to repair manor public restrooms and to keep them unlocked at all times, as well as all Tribal Program restrooms be open to public use. - Failed.
Motion to reaffirm District 5 motion to rescind Council health insurance and put that money toward CRST TERO Office for Home Repairs immediately upon council approval. - Failed.
(TERO already assisting with elderly Home Repairs and is seeking grant for non elderly private home repairs)
Motion to refer to Claims committee “to address and answer any unanswered issues that benefit all CRST Members to include the separation of powers issue referred to by CRST Council.” - Passed.
Motion to refer to Budget Committee for “District 5 pay and provide firewood for the Eagle Butte manor, in the amount of $100.00 and have District 5 get a quote on PA system for meetings, both to come out of District 5 $3,000.00 annual budget.” - Passed.
Other Motions From the Reps
Motion to refer to the Budget committee to create a beef herd for DIstrict 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. - Passed.
Motion to rescind the $300 elderly stipend until we find the money for it. - 7 yes, 6 no. - Passed.
Lunch Break.
142 pm called to order by the Chairman.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bob, Derek, John, Vincent, Tater, Ryman, Merrie, RJ.
Executive Session at 143 pm. Out at about 3:15 pm.
Motion to approve travel for Chairman, and any Council members for Washington DC (TIBC 12th-15th, Veterans 19th). - Passed.
Budget and Finance Committee Report
Oct. 30, 2019 mins.
Motion to set up a meeting with Elderly Nutrition Board and Budget Committee. - Passed.
Motion to refer to the Wakicu Scholarship Program at the Higher Ed. Department and Vetan Services Office. - Passed.
Motion for all Tribal Programs to get 1.9% cost of living until further notice. All employees need to be treated equally. - Passed.
Motion to reaffirm that the Private Home Repair Program is referred to TERO Commission with no money is coming from the General Fund. - Passed.
Motion from a Council Rep
Motion for the Planning Director to put in for a TECA grant for a Elderly Nutrition Center (new). - Passed.
Claims and Legislation Report
Motion to omit the CRST Policies and Procedures, Chap 8, Section IV. Subsection 5 Advancing Annual leave. - Passed.
Motion to approve the (new) Sick Leave Policy. - Passed.
Notes: Day 2 November 6, 2019
Called to order about 935 am by Chairman Frazier.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bob, John, Vincent, Mark, Tater, Ted, Merrie, RJ.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bob, John, Vincent, Mark, Tater, Ted, Merrie, RJ.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Evann. And assistant Kim.
Late Ryman 940. Derek 950.
Prayer by: Tater.
Discussion about the 1.9 cost of living, why not 3?
Motion to refer to Claims and Budget the 1.9% cost of living. - Passed.
Education Report
Discussion on putting Wakantanka Wowicala = Faith in Great Mystery. AKA “in God we trust.”
Motion to approve US Census support resolution. - Passed.
Motion to approve the resolution that CRST Council approves of the CRS Head Start Emergency Operation Procedures according to the Head Start Performance Standards 1302.102 and the CR Head Start Program must establish, train staff, implement, and enforce a system of health and safety practices that ensure that children will be kept safe at all times for the purpose of continuing Had Start service to eligible children on the CR Rez. - Passed.
Motion to approve the resolution that the CRST Council approves of the CR Head Start Parent Handbook according to the Head Start Performance Standards 1302.30 the CR Head Start Program must provide high quality early education and child development service and enforce a system of health and safety practices that ensure that children will be kept safe at all times for the purpose of continuing head start service to eligible children on CR Rez. - Passed.
Motion to approve the resolution that the CRST Council approves of the CR Head Start Program Operation Policy and Procedures according to the Head Start Performance Standards 1302.30 the CR Head Start Program must provide high quality early education and child development service and enforce a system of health and safety practices that ensure that children will be kept safe at all times for the purpose of continuing head start service to eligible children on CR Rez. - Passed.
Motion to approve resolution that the CRST Council approves of the CR Head Start Transportation Handbook according to the HEad Start Performance Standards 1303.70 through 1303.75 and the CR Head Start PRogram must establish, train staff, implement, and enforce a system of health and safety practices that ensure that children will be kept safe at all times for the purpose of continuing Head Start service to eligible children on the CR Rez. - Passed.
Motion to approve for the gate at the Head Start pending sole source (Eagle Storage contract, no papers attached). - Tabled.
Motion to approve the J.O.M. resolution for the public schools Eagle Butte, Dupree, Timber Lake, Pierre and between the CRST and BIE. - Passed.
Motion to approve the resolution that the CRST Council does hereby authorize the 2019-2929 ISDEAA contract between the CRST and the BIE to operate and administer the Johnson-O'malley program for the following schools; District 64-2 Dupree Public School and the CRST Headstart program. - Passed.
Lunch break
Called to order by the Chairman.
Roll Call Bernita Jim, Tuffy, Robert, Derek, John, Mark, Tater, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, RJ.
TECA Board Appointment For District 1
Motion to rescind prior action “to refer to TECA Office “to accept the nomination for Edna T for the District No. 1 TECA board.” - Passed.
Motion to appoint Edna T to the TECA Board for District 1 with background check. Passed.
(Again this is not the process to fill TECA Board seats. The Districts are not involved in the selection. TECA Law states you have to apply, submitt resume’, pay fee, and must have qualifications in order to be on the TECA Board)
Health Report
Motion to set up meeting with Travois. - Passed.
Motion to reiterate the previous council action for trackers GPS be attached to GSA vehicles to improve monitoring and ensure safety for those under the Health Dept. - Passed.
Motion to submit an RFP for billing services and CEO to process accordingly. - Passed.
Motion to approve by resolution to remove the Great Plains Area Office staff from the Oyate Health and Sioux san faculty to ensure space is specifically for these health services and the facility is currently under a 638 contract for services. - Passed.
Gate Contract Resolution Is Ready for Vote
Motion to approve resolution for the gate at the Head Start pending sole source. That the CRST Council approves of the contract between the CR Head Start and Eagle Storage to install a gate in front of the Main Entrance at the Eagle Butte Center 18 South Main Street not to exceed the amount $1,650.00 using TECA grant monies. (Eagle Storage contract). - Passed.
Law and Order Report
No actions for Council.
Board Issues
Motion to remove Doris W from the Grievance Board and advertise for 30 days. - Passed.
Motion to refer to the felony conviction within the Health Dept to the Administration to handle accordingly. - Passed.
Roads Committee Report
Nov. 1 2019 mins
Motion to have Law Enforcement give monthly crash data to the Department of Transportation. - Passed.
Public addresses Council regarding help for the elders.
Council completed the agenda.
Chairman asks Bob W. for a closing prayer.
Motion to adjourn Council. - Passed. At about 4:25 pm. Hechetuwelo.
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