Saturday, November 11, 2017

CRST October Session 2017

CRST October Council 2017
CR Motel Eagle Butte, Great Sioux Nation.

Day 1 Tuesday October 4, 2017
Council Called to Order by Chairman Frazier at 9:55 a.m.
Roll call: Kevin K., Jim P., Tuffy T., Bryce ITW., Bernita ITW., Derek B., John K., Robert CH., Edward W., Mark K., Wade W., Ted K., Merri M., Raymond UTK.
Late: Ryman LB. 10:30.

Secretary Report
Motion to get a letter of interest for the Respected Elder seat on the Medicine Wheel Village Board. Passed.

Motion to approve Legal Assistant for MWV for Jessica Four Bear. Passed.

Motion to get Letters of Interest for Land Restoration Board seat for District 5. Passed.

Motion to table the Oceti Sakowin Power Authority Board of Directors seat until phase one of the project is done. Passed.

Motion to appoint Virginia White Feather to the Council of Elders for the Oceti Sakowin Power Authority. Passed.

Executive Resolutions
Motion to approve Executive Resolution: to waive the CRST Personnel Policies to emergency hirer the four police officers for the Fair. Passed.

Lunch break at 12:00 pm.

Called back to order about 1:40 pm
Roll Call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Robert Edward, Mark, Tator, Ted, Ryman, Merri.
Late: Raymond 145pm.

Area Public Schools Consultations with the CRST
Mobridge-Pollock 62-2 Public School Supt. Tim Fredricks Addresses Council. Shares their Report with Council. Has lots of good detailed information. Has data driven reports on All Students and Native Students.

Dupree 64-2 Public School Sup. Brian Shanks addresses Council. Shares his report.

Timber Lake 20-3 Public School: Superintendent Dan Martin provides report to the Council. Various activities that the School provides on Lakota language and culture.
Motion to approve the consultation with the Timber Lake Public School and the CRST. Passed.

Eagle Butte 20-1 Public School: Superintendent Carol Viet addresses Council, provides written report. Math and Reading proficiency levels are down. Better transition and preparation while in Head Start for Kindergarten.
Plan to address the proficiency levels for will be developed, shared, and implemented.
In Executive Session . Out of executive session at
Motion to approve 20-1 Eagle Butte School & CRST consultation in accordance with the Every Child Succeeds Act. Passed.

Annual Report for the Grant Schools
Tiospaye Topa School Principal Brent Mareska addresses Council. Shares their report titled: “CRST Education Committee Annual Report July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017” All teacher positions are filled. A teacher for each grade. Attendance is up from last year 137 last year, Currently 155 students enrolled. No superintendent - job not filled.

Takini School Superintendent Linda Hunter addresses Council. Historically the attendance is up and down. Middle School is 87% of the 94%. High School is 80% of the 94%. Provides report titled “Takini School Annual Report Education Program July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017”. Biggest challenge at the school is the finances. (Currently the Takini School funds are under the Tribe's’ financial system).

At 730pm Chairman recessed the meeting until the following morning.

Day 2 Wednesday October 4, 2017
Called to order by the chairman at 9:40 am.
Council Roll Call: Kevin, Tuffy, Benita, John, Robert, Mark, Tator, Ted Ryman, Raymond.
Executives: Harold Evann.
Prayer by Tuffy
Late: Bryce Edward, Merri, Benita.

Executive Committee Resolutions
Motion to approve E-378-2017-CR resolution for John Finn consulting contracting for Nutrition, WIC. Passed.

Motion to approve and support E-379-2017-CR the 2017 Home Improvement Budget funded by BIA. Passed.

Motion to approve E-380-2017-CR Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe’s General Fund balanced budget in the amount of $17,769,022.00 for Fiscal Year 2018. Budget can be amended as needed during the fiscal year.
(Major Sources of Revenue: Taxes $5.6 million, Leases $5.3 million, Intergovernmental $5.5 million)

Motion to approve resolution E-381-2017-CR submit the Small and Charitable Bingo ordinance to National Indian Gaming Commission for the 60 day review and advertise for public comment for 30 days. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E-382-2017-CR to place the CRST in Membership with National Congress of American Indians. $1,300.00 dues. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E-383-2017-CR five acre Homesite for Juanita Oros in Grass Grass Community. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution E-384-2017-CR travel for Dist. 5 Councilman Ryman LeBeau to attend the 2017 Fall Finance and Tribal Economies Conference in Tulsa, OK. Passed.

Doug Reynolds Tiospaye Topa School Seniors’ Government Class introduce themselves to Council.
(Councilman Widow asks the class if they can sing a song. So the class all look at each other and one girl steps forward to the podium and the rest of the classmates surround her in support. The girl sings a beautiful prayer song in lakota. Council applauds her.
Then another elder councilman Chasing Hawk asks her if she knows what the song means. She translates it and explains the significances of the song.)

Lunch break at 11:15 am.
(Chairman and Council was invited to the UE school to look at their Tipi Project).

Called back to order at 1:14pm.
Roll Call: Kevin Tuffy Bryce Bernita, John Edmark, Tator Ryman Merri.
Executives: Benita Harold Evann.
Late: Jim, Raymond, Robert, Ted

Chairman Presents Resolution for NCAI Nomination
Motion to approve Resolution for Chairman Harold Frazier’s nomination for NCUI Prez. Passed.

Budget Report
Motion to refer the moving of Sylvester Wakoke’s mobile home to the Human Services Committee. Passed.

Motion to approve to allow the Treasurer to pay the Bingo Director back pay for what she is owed, annual leave, cost of living and timesheet up to September 8, 2017, also allow 80 hours only to Karyne Viet and Karen Little Wounded clean the bingo hall and the Treasurer is to pay all remaining bills for the bingo hall and bring itemized amount back to the Budget and Finance Committee. Passed.

Motion to make funds available for the land sale of Meta Charger pending the land Committee presents this to Council.  Passed.

Motion to approve West River Eagle in the amount not to exceed $17,500.00.
(advertising in the paper)

Motion to approve $75,000 to the Cheyenne River Economic Development Corporation Board. Passed.
(For start up operations, CEO can go to work, Later charge the Tribal businesses they manage)
--Budget Report ends--

Floor given to Willie Bear Shield
Brian Dillon, Jerilyn Church, Charleen Red Thunder, CJ Means. Regarding: Restructuring of IHS Great Plains and Sioux San Self Determination.

Motion to approve resolution that the Unified Health Board develop a preliminary report regarding potions for assumption and the pros and cons of each with recommendation for next steps to present to the Councils of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Oglala Lakota Tribe, and the Rosebud Sioux Tribe at their respective November 2017 meetings, That the Unified Health Board is directed to work with the Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board and Dr. Donald K. Warne as consultants to produce the report described above. Passed.

Motion to Refer the draft Resolution that the CRST authorizes the GPTCHB to: 1. Apply for negotiate, and contract or compact with the Indian Health Services and or United States Secretary of Health and Human Service to assume any PSFa’s of the Great Plains Area Office and related IHS headquarters or Service Unit PSFAs and associated funding pursuant to eh Indian Self Determination and education Assistance Act. and 2. Purse funding through grants of contracts available for IHS or any other federal state or private entity to supplement or support the objective of having the GPTCHB carry out Area Office PSFs or equivalent activities on  behalf of authorizing Tribes to the greatest extent possible. And 3-8 authorizations. Referred to the Health Committee. Passed.

Floor time to Tribal Contract Attorney Bad Warrior. Presenting the contract with R. Champaigne's company Grand River contracting for a turn key Addiction Treatment Center.

Motion to approve a limited waiver of sovereign immunity up to the $280,000 of the project: Addiction Treatment feasibility study.
(contract is already approved but needed this part to do business with this company Grand River.). Passed.

Byron Buffalo and the youth group address Council regarding support for their Horsemanship program, suicide/meth prevention using Lakota Horsemanship.

Motion to recognize the youth group: Sunka Wakan Youth Group as a organization
(eligible to apply and receive grants from the Tribe including TECA).

Legal Report.
Motion to go into executive session about 530pm / out of executive session at about 720pm.

Motion to approve resolution formally requesting a transfer by the United States and/or BIA to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe the water tower, water main lines, sewer main lines, and appurtenances throughout and within the government facility known as the Cheyenne River Agency.. Including Water tower 2081, Water Main lines and Sewer Main Lines. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution on the regulation of mouthwash on the reservation. Amending the Ingestion Code. Passed.
(this would include Family Dollar. Mouthwash to be sold behind the counter. Making it harder to purchase mouthwash. 1 bottle per week.)
Motion to approve resolution to seek public comment proposed Alcohol Ordinance 48 changes. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution to attempt to offer in compromise; settle the assessment with the IRS and Takini School of 2012/2013 taxes, fees, interest, and penalties. Passed.

Tribal Census
Motion to approve resolution “Option A” to amend section 7 of the Tribal Council Resolution 247-2012CR, as amended, to read as follows: 7. In order to facilitate redistricting of the voting districts on the Reservation once every ten (10) years, the Tribe shall conduct Tribal Census as follows” Sections A, B, C, D, E. Passed.

Recessed. 800pm. Until the following day.

Day 3 Thursday October 5th 2017

Chairman adjourns the Council Session due to lack of quorum.

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