Sunday, June 4, 2017

May Council Session 2017

May Council Session 2017

Day One May 2nd
Called to order 9:30 am by Vice Chairman Chasing Hawk.
Roll call: Kevin Keckler, Jim Pearman, Tuffy Thompson, Bryce In The Woods, John Kessler, Edward Widow, Mark Knight, Wade Tator Ward, Ryman LeBeau, Merrie Miller
Prayer by Councilman Knight.
Later: Bernita In The Woods, Derek Bartlett, Raymond Uses The Knife.

Secretary Report
Motion to approve the prior minutes. Passed.

Various Boards
Motion to appoint Rhea Lecompte to the 911 board. Passed.
(Rhea had more ballots in her favor than Maureen Ann Walker.)

Motion to appoint Rhea Lecompte to the Personnel Policy Board. Passed.
(Rhea is the only applicant)

Motion to appoint Maureen Ann Walker to the Hiring Board. Passed.
(Kathy Gray and Maureen Ann Walker had more ballots.)

Motion to appoint the Rhea Lecompte to the Gaming Commission.
(Dan High Bear 2, Rhea Lecompte 7, Kellie Tree Top 3)

Medicine Wheel Village Board
Motion to appoint Tiffany Larson to the Medicine Wheel Village Board. Passed.
(health care seat)

Motion to appoint Everett Hunt to the Medicine Wheel Village Board. Passed.
(business seat)

Motion to appoint “female elder” Alvina Hump to Medicine Wheel Village Board. Passed.
(Alvina Hump 6, Maureen Walker 2, Doris White 3)

Motion to re advertise the Elderly Male, Healthcare or contract law board seats. Passed.

Land Restoration Commission
Motion to Linda Peskiza for District 1. Passed.
(only applicant)

Motion to appoint Joey Fiddler for District 3. Passed.
(Joey Fiddler 8 & Lavae Red Horse 3)

Motion to appoint Maureen Ann Walker for District 6. Passed.
(Maureen Ann Walker 7 & Rhea Lecompte 6)

Motion to refer the remaining vacant seats back to the districts for selection. Passed.

Telecommunications Commission
Motion to appoint Bruce Brown Wolf for District 2.  Passed.
(only applicant)

Motion to appoint Kelly Tree Top for District 5. Passed.
(only applicant)

Motion to appoint Rhea Lecompte for District 6. Passed.
(Rhea 6 & Anne Walker 4)

Motion to refer back to the Districts for selection of vacancies. Passed.
Motion to refer to the Districts all the vacant boards seats for selection. Passed.

Randy Seiler US Attorney addresses Council regarding honoring Joseph Brewer for saving Roy Hale Jr. Also, discusses Eagle Feather case. Kudos to us, for addressing the meth problem. Not seeing labs. Couple of pop bottle labs. Majority coming from sw border. Passed the meth banishment resolution. Working with safe trails task force. Leadership role for passing the resolution. Its a problem everywhere, for the State, County, City’s,  Indictment in the “aiding and abetting” in the East Lee case. Russel Leaf no other police officer working harder than him. Invitation to call his cell phone number anytime.

Executive Resolutions
Motion to approve Executive Resolution for Margret Bad Warrior attorney contract with the CRST for Education committee. Passed.

Motion to approve Executive Resolution for the Indian Highway Safety Grant. Passed.

Recessed until next day Wednesday 9:30 a.m.

Day 2 May 3rd 2017
Roll Call: Kevin, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Robert, Ed, Mark, Tator, Ted, Merrie, Raymond.
Late: Ryman
Prayer by:

District Reports
District 1 old mins February 5th
Motion to have a public healthcare meeting set up. Passed.

Motion to strike section in resolution #2372014CR that requires equal representation on all of council’s committees. Failed.

Motion to refer to the TECA Oyate Committee regarding public outreach. Passed.

Motion to refer to election board - the draft resolution to amend ordinance 14: “Tribal Election board shall be comprised of 1 rep from appointed by the districts”. Failed

Motion support the tribal council to get up to date on the tribes audits. Passed.
(Treasurer says: 2014 audit is done. 2015 being worked on due by June 30th.)

Motion for tribe to send a letter to the BIA to stop using force on our water protectors. Referred to Admin. Passed.

Motion to survey the land to look for cultural artifacts. Refer to the THPO. Passed.

FEMA Report given by Harold Tiger.  December 25th & 26th Snow Storms.  Applied through the state of SD.  Threshold of $250,000 in damages.  Getting the Hazard Mitigation plan done sitting in the office in Pierre, grant writers office. Owe them $2,000 to finish the plan. Need state approval then Fema approval then we are eligible to apply directly to the US Gov FEMA for declarations in the future.
Motion to approve the FEMA File to be turned in on Friday for reimbursement. Passed.

Motion to pay the CEB seniors 100 each for their Senior trip amended to include Tiospaye Topa, Takini but not Dupree and not Timberlake. Failed.
(ABC Commission already paid them money each to go on their trip)
Back to the District Reports
District 1 continued
Motion to get a different auditor.

Motion to have a reverse osmosis system setup for the future. Passed.

Motion to have a district one youth council. Passed.

April 29th minutes
Motion to reconsider the name change for the CRST Telephone Authority to “CRST Telecommunications”. Failed.

Motion for the six districts to each develop spring wells. Passed.

Motion to nominate Shelly Moran for Dist. 1 TECA board. Passed.

Motion to Refer to Budget Comte. to add $64k for the District Officers pay for 2018. Passed
($300 x 3 Chair. Sec. Treas. x 6 districts = 64K, Plus mileage.)

Motion to submit the Rahma budget and IHS Carry over back to the districts for input. Failed.

Motion to that all the Tribal Programs and Tribal Council Reps know the procurement policy and financial process and to follow this process. Passed.

--lunch break--

Called back to order: 136 pm.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Bryce, Bernita, John, Mark, Tator, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, Raymond.

Continue with District 1 report.
Motion to refer to claims comte - to update the procurement manual. Passed.

Motion to advertise the Chief Finance Officer position. Passed.

Motion to reaffirm to expedite the forensic audit. Failed.

Motion to reconsider to intend to 638 the IHS by Resolution. Failed.

District 2 Report
March 30th minutes
In house - organizational meeting. No actions needed to present to council.

District 3 Report
January 25th minutes
In house - organizational meeting. No actions needed to present to council.

Councilman Widow makes the following:
Motion to rescind prior action that gave the blue gym back to the tribe. Passed.
(the gym would be returned to the previous organization.)

District 4 Report
Motion to approve no more than one month advance pay.
(Treasurer: on 09/28/93 two motions in place already basically are 1. three months at a time 2. No per diem advances beyond the fiscal year and those that are over will have to reprogram their payment schedule.)  Motion withdrawn.

Motion to rescind the 09/29/93 motion regarding pay advances. 6 yes, 4 no 3 abstain. Failed.

Motion to reinstate the pay conversion plan. Tabled
(prior action was to have a full council present before the vote is called for)

Motion to add the Budget Committee chair to have signatory authority on all checks. No second. Out of order.
(Pursee Phillips misused the funds back in the 1970s so Frank Dx Chairman suggested that they add another signatory for the chairman. Council approved it then and it's been in place since then.)

Motion to have the budget committee chair report at all 6 districts. Failed.
--end of district 4 report--

Random Motion
Motion to reconsider previous failed action regarding money to pay HS Seniors on field trip. Passed.

Motion to approve 100 to each High School Senior going on Senior trip to Denver include all tribal members in CEB, Dupree, Timber Lake, Tiospaye Topa, Takini. Passed.
(Conflict of Interest: Council rep children / relatives are getting the money?)

Back to District Reports
District 5 Report - no quorum April 17th. No minutes turned in.

District 6 Report - District 6 chairman didn’t pay his $25 dues.
--end of district reports--

Loan Report
Motion to approve resolution transferring $15,000 into the loan account for graduation related loans. Passed.

Education Report
Motion to approve resolution to hirer Donna Decker and Associates to assist Takini school with their finances and to return the finances back to Takini school. Passed.

Budget Report
April 26th minutes
Motion to approve claims of injury at the Cherry Creek building collapse by $5,000 each to Sylvester Waloke, Derek Bartlett, Kim Rave, Arleen Demery. Passed in committee. They were authorized by council to take care of the claims. No council action needed.

Motion to approve injury claim for Bob Chasing Hawk in the amount of $5,000. Passed in committee. (they were authorized by council to take care of the claims)

Motion to approve funding the Legion post 308 monetary request $5,000. Passed.

Motion to have the legal department AG submit a legal summary for all contract attorneys of how much they billed the Tribe for Oct. 1 2016 to present and how much the Tribe had paid to date. Passed.

Motion to approve the request for the Climate Control walk in DC for 25 people at $345.00 a person for a total of $8,625.00.  Approved by executive resolution.

Motion to approve $20,000 to the Tribal Secretary’s Office for the Election Board. Passed.

Motion to approve to move the $228,000 into the contractual agreements line item. Passed.

Claims and Legislation Report
Motion to amend the resolution creating the Enrollment and Personnel Policy committee to delete the “personnel policy” so it only says “tribal enrollment”.  Passed.

Buffalo Board Report
The Board requests the following to the Council.

Motion to approve Resolution to purchase land from Duane Lafferty, the Council is to direct the Buffalo board to cash out shares it holds $98K. Passed.

Recessed 5:00 pm until the next day 9:30am.

Day 3  May 4th 2017
Called to order by VC Chasing Hawk at 9:39am.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Bryce, Bernita, John, Mark, Tator, Ryman, Merrie, Ted.
Late: Derek, Ed, Raymond.
Prayer by Ryman.

General Public day.

Ira Blue Coat addresses Council regarding request to use a cargo trailer to take on a ride to Little Big Horn.
Administration will take care of this request.

Aldena Pretty Weasel addresses Council regarding mold in her CRHA house.  
Motion to refer to Human Services committee and to the CRHA Board. Passed.

Moreno Waloke addresses Council regarding BIA and land issues. Request wants help to push his horses east side of his land. Says theres a error in papers.
Motion to refer to the Land Committee. Passed.

Clint Knife addresses Council regarding helping college students.

OLC President Thomas Short Bull addresses Council to provide his annual report.

Paula Mae High Bear addresses Council. Requesting help with graves project. Wants to do crosses, borders, 1000 graves. Shakopee Request.
Motion to refer to the TERO commission. Passed.

Melvin Garreau addresses Council. Regarding 320 acres wife's land taken out of the range unit 313? Now they need help with fencing it out.
Motion to refer to Land Committee. Passed.

Monica Lawrence US Probation Office and her colleagues. Kim Williams and Joel. Introducing a new program using the culturally based values and community. Feels they have done a very poor job in curbing repeat crimes. Partnered with a research group to create this new cultural based program.
Motion to refer to the Law & Order committee and Wolakota committee. Passed.

Brenda Blue Arm addresses Council re: help with her house repairs. And wants to do a land exchange for land in EB so she can get a governor's home.
Motion to refer to the Land Committee and Human Services Committee. Passed.

Executive Session at 1137 am. / Out of Executive Session at 12:24pm.
--Lunch Break--
Called back to order at 2:01pm.
Roll call: Kevin, Jim, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Mark, Tator, Ryman, Merrie, Raymond.
Late: Ed,

CEB School Board Request to waive Indian Preference.
Motion to not waive Indian Preference. Passed.
(they had 3 qualified applicants for Principal position. None are native. Yet they wanted Council to waive it.)

2:06pm Executive Session. Out of executive session.

Motion to approve Eagle Staff family’s grant request to SMSC by resolution. Passed.

Motion to approve for Charles Lecompt to utilize the Bumping Clause for Chief Joe Wicks. Passed.

Motion to refer Rhea Lecompt request to the Human Services Committee. Passed.

Recessed until the May 15th. 930a.m.

Day 4 May 15th, 2017
Called to order by Chairman Harold Frazier at 10am.
Roll call: Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bernita, Derek, John, Mark, Tator, Ted, Ryman, Raymond.
Prayer by Ryman.

Chairman presents two resolutions.
Motion to approve resolution on ICBG grant for Laplant Community. Passed.

Motion to approve resolution giving up to 8 days of leave for Sundancers. Passed.

Economic Development Committee Report
Motion to approve to rescind the prior council action on advertising the CR Radio station manager and four employees. And advertise at a later date. Passed.

Motion to approve the renewal Contract for LAAD Engineering. Passed.

Motion to approve change order #1 for the Pritzkau fence in the amount of $39,985.17 to Lakota Pride Construction and to come out of the General Fund.

Motion to approve the Scull Construction $3,476,000 for the Laplant C store project. Passed.

LTM General Manager
Motion to approve Tyson Laplant for the Lakota Thrifty Mart General Manager. Passed.
(Council voted by ballot: Cindy Marshal 6 and Tyson Laplant 7.)

--End of Econ. Development Report--

Education Report
Motion to approve the Headstart video surveillance policy. Passed.

Motion to approve the Headstart Recruitment plan. Passed.

Motion to request a waiver for attorney Charlie Abourezk representing Takini School in the Iseman Homes issue. Passed.

Motion to approve Chairman to sign letter to the SD Congressional Delegation re: school support. Passed.

Human Services Report
April 25th minutes.
Motion to approve the contract for JD Plumbing for HIP homes. Passed.

Motion to refer to legal department to prepare policy change for the HIP home to go to other elderly. Passed.

Motion to move CRST Home Improvement Program under the CRST Housing Authority. Passed.

Motion to repair lights at the Indian Courts. Passed.

Motion to send LITW dirt work construction to CRST DOT. Passed.

Lunch break 11:36am.
Called back to order at 1:57pm
Roll Call. Bryce Bernita, Ed, Mark, Tator, Ryman, Raymond.
No Quorum. Hechetu welo.

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