Council March Session 2015
Notes, Actions, Accountability provided by Councilman
Tuesday March 3, 2015 Day One
115 called to order.
Council Reps present: Kevin K, Wayne D, Tuffy T, Rick R, Ben
EE, Robert CH, Ed W, Raymond UTK, Johnilyn G, Buddy K (117p), Ryman LB (116p),
Merrie MWB, Bernita ITW.
Prayer by Dana Dupris, w smudge support by Canli Coalition
(Rae & Unci)
Tribal Secretary White Feather Report
Motion to approve May 2014 Council Minutes. Passed.
--End of Report--
Motion to go into executive request by Maida L. Passed. 125pm
Motion to come out of executive. Passed. 145pm
Executive Committee Resolutions
Motion to approve E-49-2015-CR resolution, travel to Wind
Energy and Financing meeting in San Diego CA for Ryman LB. Passed.
(General Electric meeting for startup funding for wind
energy project) Travel paid for by OSPA
Motion to approve E-50-2015-CR submission of Air quality
Grant application. Passed.
Motion to approve E-63-2015-CR to submit the Leaking
Underground Storage Tank Grant application. Passed.
Motion to approve E-64-2015-CR to submit the Underground
Storage Tank Grant application. Passed.
Motion to approve E-73-2015-CR to submit the DOJ Coordinated
Tribal Assistance Solicitation. Passed.
Motion to approve E-74-2015CR services Youth Diabetes,
Nutrition, to execute the contract with Renee Biegler, RD RN. Passed.
Law & Order Report
February 27th minutes
Motion to approve contract with Mike Corwitt in the Tribe’s
formant and pending legal review.
Motion for the Chief Judge to submit a request to the Budget
and finance committee for the additional Prosecutor position needed due to the severe
case load. No action. In House.
Motion for plan to enhance the courts. In House no council
Motion to adopt revised Ordinance 50, (police commission),
no comments from public. Passed.
--End of report--
Council hears from September Waloke RE: towing.
Motion to Refer to Law and Order cmte to draft a towing
policy. Passed.
Council hears from Deloria Straight Head and her daughter
Motion to go into Executive. Passed.
Motion to come out of Executive at 503pm. Passed
Chairman recessed 504pm, until tomorrow Wednesday March 4th
Called to order at 1005am.
Council present is Kevin, Wayne, Tuffy, Rick, Derek, Ben,
Robert, Raymond, Johnilyn, Buddy, Ryman (1015am), Merrie, Bernita, Ed (1104am)
Education Report
Feb 11 2015 minutes.
Motion to approve to amend the contract for Donna Denker
& Associates (Certified Public Accountant) not to exceed $6,000.
Passed. The firm is reconciling accounts for Takini School.
Motion that the BIE report within fourteen days the
seventeen vacancies at Cheyenne Eagle Butte School and what their plan is to
get these positions hired by the end of the year. Passed.
Motion to approve the $20,000 set up cost for Northwest Area
Schools (VoTech Programs) contract and refer to TERO commission. Passed. Northwest
Area will provide vocational courses for the students their total cost is
$82,688 plus the $20,000 set up cost
--End of Report--
Veterans Report
People from the VA address Council.
--End of report--
--End of report--
Health Report
Canli Coalition presentation
Motion to approve Smoking Free CRST Law and advertise for 30
days. Passed.
--End of report--
Economic Development Report
Feb. 9th 2015 minutes
Motion to approve Resolution, Oceti Sakowin Power Authority
charter. Passed. 9yes, 2 no, 1 abstain.
Motion to approve contract with 4 Bands Community Fund $50k.
Motion for the Tribe to take back the transit system.
Recessed till the next day.
Thursday March 5th 2015 Day Three
Called to order 946am
Roll call: Wayne, Tuffy Rick, Ben, Robert, Raymond,
Johnilyn, Buddy, Ryman, Benita.
Late: Merri
Absent: Kevin, Derek, Ed, Dist 4 seat
Chairman swears in Knight District 4 rep.
Secretary Requests another roll call to include Mark Knight.
Absent: Kevin, Ed
Motion to bring back Aaron Swan and Associates, and BIA to
do a full inspection of the bridge – including the underside. Motion Approved. Bridge
replacement is located at Stove Creek.
Motion to approve $50,000 request Day Care road repair.
Motion to approve Culvert Replacement Project (contract w
Brosz engineering) pending legal review by resolution.
Motion to apply for grant and for the 10% local match for replacement
vehicles to use 2015 Tribal Transportation Plan TTP) funds and add to Tribal
Transportation Improvement Plan list.
Motion to approve health modification #8. Passed. -The
modification is for the abatement of the old I.HS apartments and houses.
Motion to approve Change Order #1 HVJ Cultural Center
Renovation project. Passed. –This
change order was only for time, 30 days extension.
Motion to approve Change Order #2 to Change Order #3 Four
Band Healing Center Transitional Living Center Renovation Project. Passed. –This
change order involves increase in money of about $11,500 for furnace and
electrical box and other
Motion to re-bid the 7th Generation Cinema Movie
Theater. Passed.
Motion to authorize admin. To renegotiate the loan with
Plains Commerce bank. Passed.
--End of Report--
Council and Pearman Family Honors Hudson for his
accomplishments in wrestling.
Lunch break till 130pm
Called to order at 150pm
Roll call Kevin Wayne Tuffy Rick Mark Derek Johnilyn Ryman
Merrie, Bernita
Absent: Ben
Budget Report
February 26, 2015 minutes
Motion to pay bill submitted by Kmart for the Headstart out
of the bad debt account. Passed.
Bill is in the amount of $2,522.13 Dec 2013
for toys and xmas stuff.
Motion to refer to admin EPD old bill for review. Passed.
Motion to pay old EPD bill in the amount of $37924.05 from
Coop. Passed.
Motion to approve the payment of Tribes membership dues to
Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s association in the amount of $1500. Passed.
--End of Report—
Chairman presents some requests to
Motion to refer to the
Administration to take care of the 250 request for Allison Clown. Passed.
Motion to refer to Admin the
Roberta Tiger request. Passed.
Lanny Laplant addresses Council
for assistance.
Motion to remove Doug Laplant off
of Lanny’s Range Unit. Passed.
Human Services Report
February 2015 minutes
council to following day.
Called to order 947am
Roll Call Kevin, Tuffy, Rick,
Mark, Derek, Ben, Robert, Ed, Raymond, Johnilyn, Ryman, Merrie, Bernita.
Absent/Late: Buddy, Wayne.
Land Report
February 24 2015 minutes
Motion to approve resolution for
temp. 5 acre home site assignment for John and Carmen Kessler on Range Unit 18.
Motion to amend resolution No.
26-2015CR assigning Nolan Keckler a five acre home site on tribal land within
Range Unit 227a to h correct legal description. Passed.
Motion to rescind Resolution No,
324-06CR and assigning Miranda Marshall a five acre home site located along BIA
Rt 3. Passed.
Motion to assign Fritz frost a
five acre home site assignment north of Eagle Butte community. Passed.
Motion to rescind Resolution No.
259-2008CR and assigning Doris White a lot located in Fox Ridge 2. Passed.
Motion to go into executive
session. Passed.
Motion to come out of executive
session. Passed.
Motion to recommend rescinding
Resolution No. 65-2002-CR and assign Sylvan Brown Jr a two lot assignment in
the Dupree Community. Failed.
Motion to approve the Range Unit
196 joint permit application to add Dalton Bender onto Range Unit 196. Passed.
Motion to remove Dustin Ward from
Range Unit 306 (per the residency requirement). Passed.
Motion to approve the CRST’s
request for an easement for a ROW on tribal land for the purpose of
construction a new road to Lakota Mower’s home site located within Range Unit
417. Passed.
Motion to delegate the BIA to
negotiate a lease with Jim Hunt at the current rate. Passed.
Land Exchanges
Motion to recommend reaffirming
Resolution No. 576-2011CR for Sebastian LeBeau appraisal on proposed land
exchange. Passed.
Motion to acquire appraisals on
Robin Butch Anderson’s land exchange with the Tribe. Passed.
Motion to acquire appraisals on
Marty Hebb’s land exchange with the Tribe. Passed.
Motion to reaffirm Resolution No.
25-2010CR requesting appraisals on Jace Birkland’s land exchange with the
Tribe. Passed.
--End of Report--
Motion to raise the Outside Cattle
Fee from $7/head to $10/head. Passed! 7 yes, 6 no.
Motion to reaffirm Resolution that
collects all debts to the Tribe when a Tribal Member land sales occur. Passed.
Council and Pearman Family Honor Lathan
Haskell for saving his mom’s life.
Lathan Haskell Day Friday March 6th
Lunch break.
Called back to order 145pm
Roll Call: Kevin, Tuffy, Rick,
Mark, Derek, Ben, Robert, Ed, Raymond, Johnilyn, Ryman, Merrie, Bernita.
Absent: Wayne, Buddy.
Motion to approve Resolution for
Chairman to execute and submit grant for Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation
Services Project. Passed.
Motion to require all grants to be
submitted with approvals done prior to deadline or director receives
disciplinary action. Motion pulled. Chairman and Secretary are to update policy
and present to Claims.
Motion to limit the Towing Fees to
$75 per tow. Motion amended to $50 and mileage.
District Reports
February 2015
District 1 – no quorum
District 2 – no quorum
District 3 – no quorum
District 4 – no quorum
District 5 Feb. 24 mtg
Motion to start the township North
Eagle Butte to approve and refer. Passed.
Motion to refer the Donavan Pretty
Weasel request to Land Cmte. Passed.
Motion for the Gift Garden
building to be assigned to Mind youth group. Take back to District the bldg. is
no good- mold lead paint and bad wiring.
Motion to re advertise the I,HS
CEO. Passed.
District 6 – no quorum.
Emergency Enrollment
Motion to approve the enrollment
for Alison LeClaire grandchild. Passed.
Motion to enroll Nathanial Benoist
and another. Passed.
Motion to approve Resolution for
Brosz Engineering contract 98k for culvert replacements. Motion Pulled will
take back to Cmte.
Motion to approve the gravel sales
at $6 per ton at Rousseau Creek. Passed.
Motion to approve the contract
with Charlene Red Thunder consultant $15,000 to help with compacting CR I.HS.
Motion to lower the outside cattle
fee from $10 back to $7/head. 6 yes, 6 no. Chairman Frazier breaks tie - votes Yes
to lower the fee. Passed.
Motion to adjourn Council.
Passed. 445pm. Hechetu welo.
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