The US Treasury calculated the interest initially at an average of 3.14%. Recently, the Tribe hired a consultant. The Consultant was instrumental in getting the US Treasury to look at other interest rates - indexes, namely the Bar Clays index. They used this index to calculate the rate at a higher percentage which is about 3.85%. Resulting in around 35 million more dollars.
Right now there is a JTAC Ordinance which is being advertised for comment for 30 days. The comment period ends Oct. 28, 2011. This law will govern on how the JTAC funds will be used. Hopefully, this law empowers our communities and local organizations to propose projects for their needs and future. I encourage you to review this document and send your comments to the Tribal Secretary White Feather 605.964.8311. PO BOX 590, Eagle Butte, SD 57625. Also, you can send to me. I will present to the JTAC committee. To be clear within this Ordinance there is "Plan" but its more of an outline/guide on how the monies will be spent. A Comprehensive Plan is currently being developed and will need input on this separate matter from the folks.
Let me know if you need the Ordinance emailed to you I can help with that.
This money the Tribe will be receiving is money for the losses of land, plants, animals, habitats, economic losses etc over 104 thousand acres were lost and now the Tribes being correctly compensated for these losses. Congress had made law the for compensation of the losses the the Tribe took. And within that law Congress compensates the Tribe for all of the 104 thousand acres. About half of the 104 thousand acres were owned by individual tribal citizens. The landowners here on Cheyenne River have a valid claim. The tribes' legal depart from many years ago had reported this to the Council. Today, the Legal Dept has same report that the money compensated to the tribe is tied to the land loss and such is the case with the landowners. Also, the landowners attourney had sent a letter to the Council and to the BIA. In the past, the Council has always supported the landowners. The Council has sent in a request to the Dept of Interior asking thier legal dept to send us a report on if we as a tribe can legally pay the landowners with this money.
Currently, the JTAC cmte is conducting outreach to every community.
See the schedule attached. (Above)
A office will be established with pertinent staff. The JTAC Committee hired a Director during the summer time. They selected Kim Traversie. Kim is a successful grant writer. She is a member of the Tribe. She previously wrote many grants for another tribe. Kim will be a great asset in managing the JTAC projects, funds, and other matching grants.
A draft Plan is being developed by the JTAC committee. Recently, the cmte is leaning toward only funding the priorities for the winter months. Then having a Comprehensive Plan for economic development, recreation, health, education, and infrastructure. We will need the Peoples buy in on this big plan. Myself, I would love to have projects funded that will at some point become self sufficient. Such as a Recycling Center, Renewable Energy, Movie Theater, Gas Station, Scholarships, Waterlines, Investments, the list goes on. We have a unique opportunity to have a long lasting impact on the lives of all our people here on the reservation and generations to come. So the more input on this plan the better for all our people and the next seven generations to come. Sovereignty.. Real Independence if planned right can be achieved with proper usage of these dollars.
More to come as things develop. Send in your input. Have good one!
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