Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Check out what JTAC committee has come up with.. 30 Million dollars worth. Plus, the 8.5 Million but that will be handle & paid by the Interior to the bank.

We Stressed that we should focus on the immediate needs for the folks. Then PLAN over the winter months for a Comprehensive PLAN concerning: Economic Development, Health, Education, Infrastructure, Recreation, & Social Welfare.

Politics ensues and we are now at 30 million of ideas without a real plan for it..

For some reason committee felt they could at the Council November Session 1. Approve of Ordinance   2. Pass a resolution to approve and draw down the $30 million.  *this is NOT the process in the Ordinance.  I played along.. Reminding them that we still had more work to do to get this money.

Some of these items, I supported and some I didn't. I think the best thing that came out of these meetings were the discussions.

Things felt like they were going fast!

SLOWING IT DOWN: So in the last JTAC committee meeting we passed a motion to extend the comment period by 30 days on the Ordinance & this budget so we can get the peoples buy in or not.


This motion for 30 more days for Law / Budget review failed at Council.

We will be reviewing all the comments that were made regarding the Ordinance. And possible implementing the comments pending Council approval.

LEGAL REPORTED:  to Council that we have a few more important tasks to complete before we should even begin to discuss the money and allocation of such dollars to Projects.

Also, within the JTAC Ordinance there are certain steps that one must take in order to get a project funded. So this is good.  Slow it all down. The $30 million would need to follow the process which is spelled out in the ordinance. The process starts with a comprehensive proposal then goes to the JTAC Office, then JTAC Board, then to JTAC Committee, then Final Approval by Council. So I think this is a good process. Hopefully we can get qualified community folks to serve on the JTAC Board. Right now it looks like council reps will sit on that board. I am Working to make this change. So we can work TOGETHER in making a better community for the people.

I'll keep ya updated on what happens.



Friday, October 14, 2011


Hau Mitakuyepi, JTAC Money is real.. Oct. 3, 2011 The US Treasury transferred two amounts into the Dept of Interior - Office of Special Trustee. One amount was the $290,722,958.00 which will be kept at the OST forever and can not be spent. Only the interest from this amount can be used by the Tribe. The 2nd amount is the $144,849,924.00 which is accumulation of the "look back interest" of original award of $290 million over a ten year period. This 2nd amount we can spend.

The US Treasury calculated the interest initially at an average of 3.14%. Recently, the Tribe hired a consultant. The Consultant was instrumental in getting the US Treasury to look at other interest rates - indexes, namely the Bar Clays index. They used this index to calculate the rate at a higher percentage which is about 3.85%. Resulting in around 35 million more dollars.

Right now there is a JTAC Ordinance which is being advertised for comment for 30 days. The comment period ends Oct. 28, 2011. This law will govern on how the JTAC funds will be used.  Hopefully, this law empowers our communities and local organizations to propose projects for their needs and future. I encourage you to review this document and send your comments to the Tribal Secretary White Feather 605.964.8311. PO BOX 590, Eagle Butte, SD 57625. crstsecretary@lakotanetwork.com Also, you can send to me. I will present to the JTAC committee.  To be clear within this Ordinance there is "Plan" but its more of an outline/guide on how the monies will be spent.  A Comprehensive Plan is currently being developed and will need input on this separate matter from the folks.
Let me know if you need the Ordinance emailed to you I can help with that.

This money the Tribe will be receiving is money for the losses of land, plants, animals, habitats, economic losses etc over 104 thousand acres were lost and now the Tribes being correctly compensated for these losses. Congress had made law the for compensation of the losses the the Tribe took. And within that law Congress compensates the Tribe for all of the 104 thousand acres. About half of the 104 thousand acres were owned by individual tribal citizens. The landowners here on Cheyenne River have a valid claim. The tribes' legal depart from many years ago had reported this to the Council. Today, the Legal Dept has same report that the money compensated to the tribe is tied to the land loss and such is the case with the landowners. Also, the landowners attourney had sent a letter to the Council and to the BIA. In the past, the Council has always supported the landowners. The Council has sent in a request to the Dept of Interior asking thier legal dept to send us a report on if we as a tribe can legally pay the landowners with this money.

Currently, the JTAC cmte is conducting outreach to every community.
See the schedule attached. (Above)

A office will be established with pertinent staff.  The JTAC Committee hired a Director during the summer time.  They selected Kim Traversie.  Kim is a successful grant writer.  She is a member of the Tribe.  She previously wrote many grants for another tribe.  Kim will be a great asset in managing the JTAC projects, funds, and other matching grants.

A draft Plan is being developed by the JTAC committee. Recently, the cmte is leaning toward only funding the priorities for the winter months. Then having a Comprehensive Plan for economic development, recreation, health, education, and infrastructure. We will need the Peoples buy in on this big plan. Myself, I would love to have projects funded that will at some point become self sufficient. Such as a Recycling Center, Renewable Energy, Movie Theater, Gas Station, Scholarships, Waterlines, Investments, the list goes on. We have a unique opportunity to have a long lasting impact on the lives of all our people here on the reservation and generations to come. So the more input on this plan the better for all our people and the next seven generations to come. Sovereignty.. Real Independence if planned right can be achieved with proper usage of these dollars.

More to come as things develop.  Send in your input.  Have good one!

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Perks for Council Reps

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Council Representative’s Perks
Since I am on the inside now haha  I wanted to share some of the things that the reps have at their disposure, I call them “Perks”.. I am sure that some of you may already know of some of the perks of being on council are but I wanted to list them here.  Also, let me know if I missed any.  In the past, I thought some of these things were just rumors.. Sadly that’s not the case.

Slang Dictionary

perk definition

1.    n. 
 extra financial benefit; a monetary inducement or reward.(From perquisite. See also benies.) :  I don't get paid much,but the perks are good.


Perk: Advance entire salary
Here at CRST a Council Representative is able to advance all of their pay or ‘per diem’ up to a whole year’s worth.  At any given time a council rep can do this.  They don’t even need council approval because council already approved it years ago (by motion or resolution) haha  but if you want to go beyond the fiscal year than you have to get council’s approval.  I witnessed this procedure take place about a year ago.  This council rep had some IRS issues and owed.  So he asked council for an advance beyond the fiscal year.  So a vote was taken.  I didn’t support it.  The council rep was a bit disappointed with me because the motion didn’t pass.  This whole advance in pay is totally wrong and is unconstitutional.   The constitution says that we need to “render services” then get paid.

Perk: Get paid without working
Now this perk is related to that the aforementioned perk.  At CRST, the council representatives can only get paid for their work at Council sessions.  That’s it.  But if there is no council, the weather is bad, or there is not enough reps to make a quorum then there is no council.  Even though council fails to have a dully called meeting, the council representatives can still get paid!  Haha!  Now, this is totally wrong.  Me, you, probably almost everyone was taught at some point that you have to work 1st then you get paid. .  Or have a job first then work then get paid for the services provided.  But that’s not the way they been doing things.  A council rep could miss many council sessions and still get their check.  I have seen this occur as well.  Again this is unconstitutional.   I don’t accept a check unless I attend a council session.  And I wait till the entire session is over before I get my check.  I have seen them get paid before council.  I have seen them get paid the first days of council.  Rugged.

Perk:  Travel.
Council Reps can travel to where ever they like for whatever reason..  Travel money is available to them.  Per Diem, mileage, airfare, hotel, baggage, taxi ect.  There was action in the past to divide Councils travel budget by the number of reps (15) and only allow that rep to spend that amount on travel which is about $6,000.  However, its not abided by.  If the travel fund runs out more money will be transferred into this account.  It’s not really a bad thing because there are important meetings for the tribe be represented.  However, it’s a perk because it can and has been abused in the past.  I better regulatory system is needed.  Perhaps the District should be the organization that initiates the approval of a trip for the Council Rep to go on..

Perk:  Raise their pay.
Recently Council Reps included a raise of 6% into their “Per Diem” (salaries) line item of the CRST 2012 Budget.  The 6% equates to about $2200 more per year / Council rep.  At the same time, same budget the Council Reps were DECREASING employees salaries .. likely so they can increase their own.  I did not support this action.  Another, technique Council Reps use is at the end of the fiscal year they will see if there is extra money in the budget for the employees’ 3% cost of living.  And when there is money available for the employees they pass a motion to give the “employees and Council a 3% cost of living”.   I asked that they separate their motion and take out council but they refused.  Their response was “its only like $100”.   My reply was yes it is but your not an employee and its 100 times 12 months which equalls $1200 of extra money for that fiscal year for each council rep.

Perk:  Mileage.
Council Reps that live out of town (Eagle Butte) receive mileage to attend their committees.  The rate is $0.51 cents a mile or whatever the going US govt rate is.  I believe they budget Council Rep’s mileage line item is at $30,000 dollars.  Not sure if the Executives get mileage.  I always point out to them that other folks that live out of town and have jobs do not get mileage dollars.  One time we had a tribal member that needed help so we made a motion to help them using money out of the Council Reps’ Mileage fund.  And this created a huge battle and much discussion and arguments.  Subsequently, the motion failed.  8 council reps live out of town and therefore utilize this fund.

Perk:  Voting for your relatives.
Council Reps have a unique and advantageous way of supporting their relatives or whoever they like.  There’s different ways they can go about this.  The main and most obvious is when it comes to allocations of Range Units and when Committees do the hiring of certain tribal employment positions: Directors and Professionals.  For example, recently the Housing Committee passed a motion to advertise an already filled position, the Housing Authority Executive Director.  For some reason this motion was legal or maybe it wasn’t but it was adhered to..  As a result the current Director was removed and a different director selected.  When the committee went to do the actual hiring it came down to the two applicants (the guy that helded the job & a new applicant).  When the vote was taken a tie occurred so the Housing Committee Chairman had to break the tie.  He chose his relative which is now the new Executive Director.
          And there is the allocation of Range Units.  I have seen the Council Reps children apply for Range Units and actually some of them were selected for range units.  The Council Reps never step out of the room or abstain from voting for their children or relatives to receive these Range Units.  It’s definitely a Conflict of Interest but its ignored.


  [dis-kley-mer] http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif Show IPA
1.the act of disclaiming;  the renouncing, repudiating, or denying of a claim; disavowal. 2. a person who disclaims. 3. a statement, document, or assertion that disclaims responsibility, affiliation, etc.; disavowal; denial.

I have never advocated for my relatives, cousins, aunties, uncles, or baby mommas/girlfriend/ wife or friends, dogs, cats to receive jobs, range units, other perks excreta.. I take this job seriously and refuse to abuse the authority and trust that was granted to me by the people of Cheyenne River.  Likewise, I DO NOT support any of the aforementioned “PERKS” to go to myself or other Council Representatives and Executives.  And I never will support such rugged abuse of the People of Cheyenne River’s resources.  I am here for the PEOPLE.

More to come!  As more I find!  I will keep you posted..  Hechatu welo.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

JTAC Money will arrive Oct. 1, 2011


“JTAC” monies will arrive on October 1, 2011.  A total of $290,722,958 dollars is the principle amount awarded.  Per law the tribe will receive only the interest that has accumulated since the year 2000.  The interest amount will be around $115 million as of March 2011 the interest at that time was calculated $109 million.  JTAC is short for Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Equitable Compensation Act.  These monies are for “just compensation” for the losses when over 104,000 tribal and individual acres were flooded by the damming of Missouri River.  The average interest rate that Department of Treasury calculated is 3.14%.  The tribe is hiring 2 consultants to work separately to derive calculations of the interest for the tribe to negotiate with the Department of Treasury.

The principle amount of 290 million will stay deposited with the Department of Treasury.  The 290 million will gain interest every year that will be paid to the Tribe annually.

The money can be spent on the following:  Education, Health, Recreation, Infrastructure, Economic Development, and Social Welfare.

The majority of the communities have developed plans on what they want the funds to be spent on.  We are currently advertising for a JTAC Director to assist with the plans and other objectives. 

I will have another post about the individual landowners and their claims.

Any questions let me know. 


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Check it

Have you heard?  Test running the blog game.  I want to have all my reports go here.. Updates, announcements, information straight from Council, committee's, other meetings, and a hub of information where folks can have access. Full disclosure of all of the PPL's information. This is the goal.