Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sept 2019 Notes From CRST Council

CRST Council September 2019 Session
CR Motel conference room 
Eagle Butte, GSN.

Day 1 Tuesday Sept. 3rd
Council called to order by Chairman with quorum present.
Motion to approve resolution for construction contract with Diamond D $4,999.00 Food Distribution to remove and replace wooden beams. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for construction contract with Diamond D $4,999.00 Interior based board, insulation, and general construction at Food Distribution warehouse. - Passed

Motion to approve resolution for construction contract with Diamond D $4,999.00 for fencing replacement around the warehouse at Food Distribution. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for Tribal Health to submit a grant application to SD State for immunization and tracking pending all documentation. - Passed.

Recessed to Thursday.

Day 2 Thursday Sept. 5th
Called to order by Vice Chair Bernita ITW. 943 am.
Roll Call: Jim Tuffy Bryce Bob Derek John Vincent Tater Ted Ryman RJ.
Executives: Benita, Bernita, Evann. And assistant Kim.

Secretary Report
Motion to approve prior mins (April 2, 3, 4, 2019). - Passed.

Motion to approve Mike B Dist 6 CRHA board pending back ground chk. - Passed.

Motion to refer ecig consultation to the health cmte. - Passed.

Motion to refer to Steve g tax proposal. - Passed.

District Mins
No quorum at District 1 Aug meeting.
No quorum at District 2 Aug meeting.
District 3 - held a couple of meetings.
Motion to pay the Dist 3 officers for the prior meeting - Passed.

Motion to accept Lavay H to the Takini School Board. - Passed.

Motion to refer to transportation the issue of speed bumps at Cherry Creek community. - Passed.

Motion to cut the councilman’s pay to $1800 / month. - Failed.

Motion for the council reps to clock in at the council and committee meetings. - Failed.
(already an approved action for the council time clocks).

Motion to refer to Budget & Finance committee, to increase elderly stipend from $100 to $250. - Passed.
(already a motion that raised the elders stipend to $300. But not enuff funds to pay it.)

Motion to request the brown double wide trailer to be given back to the elders. - Failed. 
(old headstart building used as a youth center.)

Motion refer to CRST DOT to request two security lights for the powwow and streets. - Passed.

Motion for a audit to be done on the Tri Community Development. - Failed.

No quorum at District 4.

District 5 
Motion to rescind the CRST Tribal Council supplemental health insurance be abolished, they can pay for their own insurance. - Failed. 

Motion to keep 2 million into home development and not roads. - Failed.

Motion to reaffirm the 1987 resolution no alcohol sold at the Fair & Rodeo. - Failed.

Motion to refer to Claims and Legislation committee for a draft resolution on separation of powers. - Passed.

Motion to refer to administration issues presented about support services. - Passed.

District 6 mins
Motion to open Laplant LTM Store as soon as possible and district 6 members to hace first preference in employment opportunities. - Passed.

Motion to refer to the Buffalo Board, the purchasing of the Veo land at LA. - Failed.

Motion to reconsider the prior failed motion to refer to the Buffalo Board, the purchasing of the Veo land at Laplant. - Passed.

Motion to refer to the Buffalo Board the purchasing of the Veo land at Laplant. - Passed.
Budget & Finance Report August 20th 2019 mins
Motion to approve of Toni HB, Health Dept. to pay for 3 courses. - Passed.

Motion to refer to the Attorney General to renegociate the Burial Assistance Program with BIA. - Passed.
Claims & Legislation Report Aug 29th 2019
Motion by resolution to make Fran Vogul a Class 2 Tribal Member. - Passed.

Motion to refer to mend Ordinance 75 Anti - Bullying Ordinance and have Attorney General review and put into ordinance. - Passed.

Motion to approve $10,000.00 for Robin EH/LB for lawyer fees / expert witness. - Failed. 
Economic Development Committee Report

Motion to approve (legal dept.) to draft resolution for a call center. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for 7th Generation Cinema agreement with First Dakota bank line of credit $7,500.00 for Warner Bros Inc. movies - Passed.
Enrollment Report
Emergency Enrollments
Off Rez, 2/3rds of Council to approve
Motion to approve Teonie S for enrollment. - Passed
Motion to approve Tadilaya and Navaya pending birth certificates. - Passed.

May 16th 2019 mins
Majority vote of Council
Trevor A.
Nola Lee B.
Willow Aspen BS
Cheyenne Paisley B.
Wawikiya Cikala BE.
Jamerson BC
Blake B.
Lisa B.
Alfed B
Wicahpi WIn B.
Ada B.
Ares C.
Kylie CH.
Angelica C.
Skye CE.
Cole C.
Athina C.
Madani DV
Valery D
Sylar D
Aliyah E.
Bailee S.
Jameri E.
Cameron S.
Logyn G.
Laiken G.
 Dja M.
Julianna H.
Acen HBC.
Zoey H.….
(incomplete list)
Motion to approve enrollment. - Passed.

Off Rez requiring 2/3rds Vote Council
Emmalyn A.
Alicia A.
Ethan B
Eric B
 Emma B
Leonardo B. 
Laloni B
Leah B.
Bronson B.
Malachi BB.
 Melayna BB.
Deleyza BET.
Brelynn B.
Suta Mato B.
Zaija B.
Jaylee BT.
Melvin BT.
Brianna C.
Jaidyn C.
Micaiah C.
Donald C.
Ocean C.
Thomas C.
 Jeri C.
 John C. 
 Jefferey C.
Mattea C.
Chase Dx.
Paisley D.
Andrew D.
Dylan D.
Alexis D.
Jayeten D.
Jordan EC.
Gaton ES.
Sara E.
Zymerius F.
Julius FB.
Marques F.
Travis G.
Westen G.
 Natalie H.
Meverick H.
Kleo H.
Lauren J.
Damon K.
 Elliot K.
Santino L.
Tighe L.
Jacqlyn LJ.
Zavier MHF.
Lakota M.
Stormie M.
Quinn M.
Jack M.
Kaylie M.
Ryan M.
Serena O.
Cameron P.
Preslie P.
Kharon P.
Armani P.
Josie R.
Maliyah R.
Carleisha RB.
Chad R. … 
(incomplete list)
Motion to approve enrollment. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for relinquishment Vernel B. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for relinquishment Carol RB. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for relinquishment Christy P. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for relinquishment Kolette M. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for relinquishment Hugh BS. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for relinquishment Dara ES. - Passed.

Motion to rescind resolution - doesn’t want to relinquish. Micheal CF. - Passed.

Motion to reconsider the failed prior motion to enroll Cynthia A. - Passed.
Motion to approve to enroll Cynthia A. - Failed.

Motion to reconsider the failed prior motion to enroll Robert M. - Passed.
Motion to approve to enroll Robert M. - Failed.

Motion to reconsider the failed prior motion to enroll Jameson T, Braxton T, Mila T. (the Great Grandmother is Enrolled from Condon family) - Passed.

June 14, 2019
Evan B., Haidyn BC., Taidym S., Briella HB., Daxtyn L., Charlie L., Joyceann M., Stetson M., Solara M., 
Motion to enroll. - Passed.

Off Rez requiring 2/3rds Vote of Council
Guillermo AIII, Darrin B., Emmeline B., Wakinyan Luta E., Lianna E, Lewis E, Sage ITW., Kree LB, Rafe LB, Rylan P., Royal D., Deson PC, Jacobe PC, Carter PC.,  Dmitri Q., Tracy R., Alyssa S., Kayne VM., Brynn VM.,
Motion to approve enrollment - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for relinquishment for Trista ES. - Passed.

Motion to rescind resolution for relinquishment for Lakota L. - Passed.

Off Rez Requiring 2/3rds Vote Council
Motion to reconsider prior failed motion to enroll Micheael S., Rebecca S., Mathew S., Sarah S., - Passed.

Motion to approve enrollment for Micheael S., Rebecca S., Mathew S., Sarah S.,- Passed.

On Rez requring simple Majority Vote Council
Aug 22nd 2019
Novalee A, Leddie A., Jaxson B., Kaleo B., Audrey B., Porter B., Anothny C., West C., Setaya C., Natalia C., Aiden C., Jiles C., Syncere HL., Xianna D., Pria  Dx., Moreau FB., Leialoha H.,m Hannah H., Samiah H.,Lance HE., Hunter HE., Dexter HE., Jewlyn HB., Zoey IB., Harper J., Mathew K., Sunlyn LB Macie L., Alessandrea LHH., ….. Incomplete list.
Motion to approve enrollement. - Passed.

Off Rez needs 2/3rds Vote Council
Mecy AF., Ginna A., Adonis A., Joshua A., Bernard S., Allesia S., Nevaeh S., Nomi S., Racheal B., Brandy B., Gia BA., Samya BB., Isiah BB., Bryler BC., Rovin B., Ashley C. Marissa C., Luke C., Mataeo C., Alayna C., Dakota C., Ezra C., Nocholas C., Erin DL., Krostopher F., Ezekiel F., Serenity F., Mary G.,Caleb H., Glynis H., Pamela H., Akira H., …. Incomplete list.
Motion to approve enrollment - Failed.

Motion to approve enrollment Tyson CT (Grandmother is CRST Dupris family).- Failed.

Motion to reconsider prior failed motion to enroll Max F. - Passed.
Motion to approve enrollment for Max F.- Passed.

Motion to reconsider failed motion to enroll Tyson CT. - Passed.
Motion to approve enrollment for Tyson CT. - Passed. 
Devaney H. and Canupa addresses council. 
Toni HB addresses council - expresses graditude. 
Recessed at about 6:30 pm.

Day 3 Friday Sept. 6th 2019
Called to order at 10:00 am by Vice Chair Bernita ITW.
Roll Call: Jim Tuffy Robert Derek John Vincent Ryman Merrie RJ.
No quorum present. Vice Chair Adjourns council.
Prayer by Bob.

Called to Order at 9:43 am. 
Council Present: Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Robert, Derek, John, Vincent, Edward, Mark, Ted, Ryman, Merrie.
Executives: Benita, Bernita, Evann, and assistant Kim.
Olowan/wochekiya: Bob, Tuffy.

Education Report
Motion to approve resolution CRST adopts wthe recommendation of the Education Agency and authoriezes tand directs the Chairman to execute the contract with legacy Performance Partners, LLC to provide mental health service to the Head Start Program for the 2019-2020 school year. - Passed.

Motion to invite finane representatinve to explain the 2015 audit and findings at Takini School. - Passed.

Motion to entr into a MOA between BIE Infant Toddler and CRST Support Services for 2019-2020, one year and not to exceed $15,000.00 pending resolution. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution the MOA between CR Infant and TOddler Program and CR Head Start Program for the fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 not to exceed $60,000.00 pending legal review and appropriate documentation.

Motion to approve resolution for contract for services bwtween the CRST And Peggy Galipo MS SLP for the fiscal year October 1 2019 to September 30, 2020 not to exceed $15,000.00 pending legal review and appropriate documentation. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for contract for services between the CRST and Lifescape for the fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 not to exceed $70,000.00 pending legal review and appropriate documentation. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for contract for services between the CRST and Kelly Baxter, MSSLP for th e fiscal year October 1 2019 to September 30, 2020 not to exeed $138,320.00 pending legal review and appropriate documentation. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for contract for services between the CRST and Dr Kirsten Dx dba Dx Therapy for the fiscal yeat October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 not to exceed $87,360.00 pending legal review and appropriate documentation. - Passed.

Motiont to approe resolution for ctarct for sevice beteen the CRST and Slate Creek conseling Jonathan Rapp, MSW for the fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 not to exceed $31,500.00 pending legal reviw and appropriate documentation. - Passed.

Motion to approve contract for services between the CRST and Quality Educational Supports for the fiscal year October1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 not to exceed $138,760.00 pending legal review and appropriate documentation. - Passed.

Motion to approve the resolution for CRST Head Start to apply for a 5 year continutation grant for $2,628,981.00 - Passed.

Motion to approve amended changes to the CRST RLMS education Hardship grant application. - Passed.

Motion to approve amendments to the CRST Scholarship. - Passed. 

Motion to refer to Education Committee the Scholarship policy Academic Requirements C Part-time students. - Passed.
Motion for executive sesh. - passed. 11:46 pm. Out of executive 12:39 pm.
Election Committee Report
Nov. 27th 2018
June 11 2019
June 19 2019
Motion to refer to the Claims and Legislation Committee issues presented. - Passed.

Motion to approve and refer to the Tribal Council to advertise for 30 days for public comment the proposed amended Ordinance 14 Elections. - Passed.
Health Committee Report
Motion to request that IHS EB Health Service recalculate maximal supportive space. - Passed.

Motion to have Tribal Projects go back out to the field clinics and provide inspection with a report of deficiencies in thirty days. - Passed.

Motion to have proportional division of IHS housing to reaffirm the 2012 action. - Passed. 

Motion to make the two professional units available to the two Field Health nurses Cathy Red Dog and Bobbie Pearman and notify CR Housing Authority. - Passed.

Motion to invite RADM Weakhee to the next Health Committee meeting. - passed. - Passed.

Motion to have GPAO come work with our Tribal Health billers to imporve claims and denials. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution supporting Missouri Breaks apply for a grant $208,394.00 American Indian Tobacco Survey. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution banning e cigarette and tobacco industry companies shall neither solicit nor accept any tobacco, ESD or nicotine related funding or sponsorship of events or ativieties nor will this tribe partner with tobacco, ESD or nicotine related companies to further their goals or share informaiton on tribal members. - Take Back to Committee, No action.

Lunch break. At 230 pm.

Roll call: Jim Tuffy Robert Derek John Vincent Mark Tater Ted Merrie.
Late: Ryman Bryce 3:40 pm.

Land Report
Motion to approve the GFP 2019 upland game bird, pheasant, turkey hunting fees and limits. - Passed.

Motion to amend resolution 237-2006-CR to correct the legal description assigning Eva G one lot of Tribal land for a business site located within the Eagle Butte community. - Passed.

Motion to approve Tim IM one lot of tribal lland for a home site located within the Eagle Butte community. - Passed.

Motion to approve the Homesite Ordinance. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution Emannuel RB Sr.’s request for one lot of Tribal land for a homesite located within the Eagle Butte community. - Passed.

Motion to amed resolution No. 178-2019-CR assigning Mahto S five acres of Tribal land for a homesite located within RU217. - Passed.

Motion to amed resolution No. 78-2013-CR to assign Tawny L 2.5 acres of TRibal land for a home site on a more feasible location within Range Unit 101. - Passed.

Motion to amend resolution no 77-2015-CR assigning Miranda M five acres of Tribal land ofr homesite located along BIA rounte #3. - Passed.

Motion to rescind resolution No. 322-2001-CR assigning Virginia Rousseau five acres of land for a homesite located within Range Unit 184. - Passed.

Motion to rescind resoluion Darla L

Motion to rescind resolution No. 86-1993-CR Marcella Grandos

Motion to rescind resolution no. 382-94-CR assigning Janell D C five acres of tribal land for homse site located..

Motion to make the effective date for the Homesite Ordinance September 11, 2019. - Passed.

Motion to rescind the prior motion to rescind resolution no. 382-94-CR assigning Janell D C five acres of tribal land for homse site located.. - Passed.

Motion to rescind resolution no. 382-94-CR assigning Janelle D C five acres of Tribal land for a homesite located within RU 349. - Passed.

Motion to rescind resolution no. 382-94-CR assigning Janelle D C five acres of Tribal land for a homesite located within RU 349. - Passed.

Motion rescind resolution no. 215-99-CR assigning Brian and Jenelle C five acres of tribal land for a homes ite located within RU 223.- Passed.

Motion to approve reslution to assign Leroy and Marsha V five acres of Tribal land for a homes site located within RU 155 pending submission of written consent from the permitees. - Passed.

Motion to amend resolution no. 347-2018-CR to assign Ty T five acres of TRibl land for a homes ite located within RU 79A. - passed.

Motion to rescind resolution no. 101-2007-CR assigning CLarence C one lot of tribal land for homse site located within the Habitiat for Humanity Housing area. - Passed.

Motion to amending resolution no. 238-2019-CR to assign Frieda C two lots on tribal and ofr hosme located within the CC community.- passed.

Motion to amend resoution no. 104-06cr to correct the legal description of the acreage assigned to th CPO to exclude the five acres recently assigned to the Judicial Dept. locted south of th eB community. - Passed.

Motion to not take anymore land taken from CPO assigned prior. - Passed.

Motion to amending resolution no. 261-2017-CR to creecct the legal descrition of the acreage assigned to IHS for a new tower to exclude lot 27 located with the Dupree community.- Passed.

Motion to approve the CRST Dupree Veterans Association ‘s request for an assignment of one lot on Tribal land ocated within the Dupree community. - Passed.

Motion to appreove resolution for Dixie and Calee LC request for an easement permit on tribal alnd to allow MGE co to install a new service line to thier home site locatedo n tribal land wihin ru 373. - Passed.

Motion to approve resooution for Dixie and calee LC request for an easement permit on theril ahome site located on tribal land within ru e373. - Passed.

Motion to approve resoltion for Dixie and Calee LC request for an easement permit on tribal land to allow CR tA to install a new service line to their shomsite located…-Passed.

MOtion to approve resolutoin for Dixie and Calleee LC request for an easement permit on triabla land to allow Mni Washte.. - Passed.

Motion to approve the resolution for Carlita B  request for an easement permit on tribal land to allow MW to int..-Passed.

Motion to approve the resolution for Carlita B request for an easement permit on trial land to CR TA to install a new service line to provide access to telphone fiber..

Motion to approve the resolution for Carlita B request for an easement permit on tribal land for ..sanitation line-Passed.

Motion to approve the resolution for Carlita B request for an easement permit on tribal land for ..MGE - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution for Murphy and Martilyn S ROW for eaement permit on tribal land for a fiber ptio.. - Passed.

Motionto approeve to grant an easement permit on Tribaal land for row of allow IHS to renoavge the lagoon located easet of the CC commjnity. - Passed.

Motion to appove joit permit ru 445 adding aspyn Lamb. - Passed.

Motion to approve resolution to acquire appraisals on all trust land s involved in Gary D Sr’s proposed land exchange. - Passed.

Motion to approve to acquire appraisals on all trust lands involved in Gary D Srs proposed land exchange. - Passed.

Motion to approve to acquire appraisals on all trust lands involved in Marsha V proosed land exhange. - Passed.

Motionto approve to complete Roderisk M Srs proposed land exhage iwth the tribe as described above. - Passed. (tribe gains 14 acres.) 

Motion to approve to complete Evann EF proposed land exhange .. - Passed. (ten dollar $10.00 difference). 

Motion to amend resoution 214-2019-CR to correct the discrepancies tin the description. - Passed.

Motion to rescind resolution no. 215-2019-CR approving Tyrone TTK proosed land exchange for appraisals. - Passed. 

Motion to approve to complete Alex G proposed land exchange with the tribe as describd asd above.- Passed.

Motion to approve to acquire appraisals on all trust lands involved in Mitzi S proposed land exchange. - Passed.

Motion to award Farm Pasture 999EL to Joni Veit for five year for 50 acres of native pasture at a rental rate of $8.28 per acre and 270 acres of dry land farming at a rental rate of $27.22 per acre for an annual rate of $7,763.40. - Passed.

Motion to approve Tim and Blaine Oleary’s request for a five year lease for 115.0 acres of native pasture at a rantal rate of $5.10 per acre for an annual lease rate of $586.00. - Passed.

Motion to separating the 154.0 acres of Tribal land from the allotted land to allow MR. Arvol LH to Utilize the Tribal land as spriritual and cultural use assignment and to waive the rental fee. - Passed.

Motion amend resolution no 25-2019-CR to correct a clerial error with the annual rental rate (should have read $15,888.00). - Passed.

Motion to approve Elizabeth OK request for an easement permit on allotted land to install a new sewer line to her home site located within the Farm Pasture 835 in which the tribe owns a 65% interest. - Passed.

Motiont to approve resolution for Elizabeth OK for an easement permit on allotted land to install a new waterline to her home site located within the Farm Pasture 835 in which the tribe owns a 65% interest (pending all documentation). - Passed.

Motion to refer to Land Committee the four CRTA lots behind subway to the land committee. - Passed.

Human Services Report
Motion to approve the list of tribal citizens to recieve sanitation services from IHS. - Passed.

Motion to approve of Tribal citizen Tell P to recieve sewer and water services by IHS. - Passed.

Law & Order Committee Report
Motion to approve the resolution for the Indian HW Safety grant. - Passed

6:20 pm Recessed until the next day.

Day 2 of Special Session Thursday Sept 11, 2019
Vice Chair Bernita called it order at 9:56 am.
Council: Jim, Bryce, Robert, Derek, John, Vincent, Tater, Ryman, Merrie.
No quorum. Adjourned.
Prayer by Merrie.

Day 1 Tuesday Sept. 23rd 2019. Special Session #2 for the Month.
Agenda: Fiscal Year 2020 General Fund Budget, Education Code, George Waters Contract, MOA Volunteers of America, Headstart Consturction Contract, Environmental Health Construction Contract, Legal Department Report.
Called to order by Vice Chair Bernita ITW at 9:46 am.
Roll call: Jim Tuffy Bryce Robert Derek John Vincent Ed Mark Tater Ryman Merrie RJ.
Prayer by: Ryman

George Waters Contract: Lobbyist in DC.
Motion to approve resolution to retain George Waters Consulting contract for lobbying services before agencies, congress, committees, 2019- Sept. 30th 2020 $72,000.00. - Passed.

MOA with Volunteers of America
Motion to approve the MOA with Voluteers of America for drug and alcohol addiction treatment services. - Passed.

Head Start Construction Contract
Motion to approve with resolution the Head Start Constuction contract with Eagle Storage Jeremy S. for a security fence around the Swift Bird Center $24,250.00 pending checklist. - Passed.

Environmental Health Construction Contract
Motion to approve with resolution the Environmental Health Facility Project construction with Diamond D Construction $550,804.00 for a 2,400 sq ft building SIP with basement and garage. - Passed.

2020 General Fund Budget
Motion to approve the Sept. 17, 18, 19, 2019 Budget Committee mins. - tabled.

Motion to approve the Resolution for the FY2020 General Fund Budget - Passed.  
($16.69 million, 1.9% cost of living for Tribal employees including the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary but not Council Reps. Used the remaining $1.5 mil Ramah for the General Fund.)

Motion to balance the budget charge a $1.65 per acre for 1.5 million acres give 90 days to pay. - Chair said motion is Out of order, not on the agenda.

Education Code
Motion to approve Education Code with only Tribal Council being able to waive the Indian Preference. - Passed.
(Draft Edu Code was taken to each community throughout the Rez.)

Legal Department Report
Motion to approve the Contract Support Costs to be negociated with the help of the Contract attorney. - Passed.

Motion to approve the contract for services with Deanna LB in the CRST Prosecutors Office. - Passed.

Motion to adjourn at about 214 pm. - Passed.

Council adjouned. Hechetuwelo.