April Council Session 2017
Day 1 April 4th
Called to order by Chairman Fraizer.
Roll call: Kevin Keckler, James Pearman, Tuffy Thompson, Bryce In The Woods, Bernita In The Woods, Derek Bartlet, John Kessler, Robert Chasing Hawk, Wade Tator Ward, Ryman LeBeau, Merrie Miller-White Bull, Raymond Uses The Knife.
Prayer by Bryce
Late: Ted Knife.
Absent: Ed Widow, Mark Knight.
Secretary Report
Motion to approve Oct 12th, (and other prior minutes). Passed.
Motion to advertise the TECA Board seats Dist. 1,4,5,6. Passed.
Executive Committee Resolutions
Chairman presents Executive Resolutions
Motion to approve the Tribal Transit Grant application executive resolution. Passed.
Motion to approve the Executive Resolution for the Shakopee grant for Radio Station. Passed.
Motion to approve E1CR2017 Executive Resolution for Country Carpet and Flooring for Dupree Multi Purpose Building. Passed.
Motion to approve Executive Resolution for $200,000 from the General Fund to the Medicene Wheel Village. Passed.
Motion to approve E127CR2017 477 Oyate Connections Workforce Development Grant. Passed.
Motion to approve E128CR2017 Against the bore hole drilling. Passed.
District 1 Report
Motion to reaffirm to District 5 Resolution 193-07-CR and District 1 2008 motion to expedite the forensic audit. Failed.
(there is already a resolutin in place)
Motion to reaffirm to use the TECA money to hirer a new auditor for the Tribal audit; amended to have the new auditor to lean the Tribal audit. Failed.
Motion to get a time clock for Tribal Employees, Tribal Council and Executives. Passed. 8 yes, 5 no. 1 abstainer.
Executive session.
Out of executive session.
Motion to hirer receptionist for Council Office: Amber Landreaux. Passed.
Motion to hirer Council Secretary Victoria Ducheneaux and Jordyn Cook. Passed.
2:03 Called back to order by Chairman Frazier.
Roll call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bryce, Derek John Robert, Tator Ted Ryman Merrie Raymond.
Late: Bernita.
District Reports Continued..
District 5
Motion to have the lower key offenders to do community service by sentence to clean up reservation and their fine be credited for time worked. Passed.
Motion to disallow the use of tasers on reservation. Failed.
Economic Development Report
Motion to advertise the CRST Radio station manager and have the planning office write the job description. Passed.
March 27, 2017 minutes
Motion to approve to use Four Bands Community Fund (sole source) as the accounting and payroll for the movie theater. Passed.
(2 accounts at the bank: business and revenue)
Motion to approve the name change from CRST Telephone Authority to CRST Telecommunications and to amend ordinance 24. Failed.
Motion to approve 811 Call Before You Did Resolution and to make changes to the ordinance. Referred to the Legal Dept. to add same day local response language.
Motion to approve to transfer radio tower from the old nurses apartments and move it to the Radio Station site. Passed.
Motion to approve "KIPI" as the Radio Station call sign. Passed,
Motion to support the supplemental grant from SMSC in the amount of $176,000.00 for the Radio Station. Passed.
Motion to approve Lakota Thrifty Mart to go forward with the planning of the new store in Eagle Butte and (to apply for) the TECA grant. Passed.
Motion to approve the business lease of the building at Forest City to Jamie and Vicki Ducheneaux. Passed.
March 28, 2017 minutes
Motion to approve the new Gaming Ordinance and refer to Tribal Council. Failed. (5 yes, 2 no, 3 abstain).
Motion to approve Custom Touch Homes in the amount of $318,835.00 for the Swift Bird Headstart Center. Passed.
Motion to approve the change order II in the amount of $85,956.24 for the IHS Heliport expansion. Passed.
Motion to approve the name change from CRST Telephone Authority to CRST Telecommunications and to amend ordinance 24. Failed.
Motion to approve 811 Call Before You Did Resolution and to make changes to the ordinance. Referred to the Legal Dept. to add same day local response language.
Motion to approve to transfer radio tower from the old nurses apartments and move it to the Radio Station site. Passed.
Motion to approve "KIPI" as the Radio Station call sign. Passed,
Motion to support the supplemental grant from SMSC in the amount of $176,000.00 for the Radio Station. Passed.
Motion to approve Lakota Thrifty Mart to go forward with the planning of the new store in Eagle Butte and (to apply for) the TECA grant. Passed.
Motion to approve the business lease of the building at Forest City to Jamie and Vicki Ducheneaux. Passed.
March 28, 2017 minutes
Motion to approve the new Gaming Ordinance and refer to Tribal Council. Failed. (5 yes, 2 no, 3 abstain).
Motion to approve Custom Touch Homes in the amount of $318,835.00 for the Swift Bird Headstart Center. Passed.
Motion to approve the change order II in the amount of $85,956.24 for the IHS Heliport expansion. Passed.
Day 2 April 5th, 2017
Called to order 955a.m.
Roll Call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bryce Bernita, Derek John Robert Tator Ted Ryman Merrie Raymond.
Prayer by: Raymond
Budget and Finance Report
March 29, 2017 minutes
(the tribe received 1.9 million of Ramah (IHS) settlement money from contract support costs that the IHS failed to pay the Tribe.. Now the Budget Committee allocated it)
(NoDAPL total is $839,313.74 was paid for by the General Fund by cutting from other areas. This total doesn’t include future lawsuit costs)
Motion to move the supervision of the Procurement Officer from Property and Supply to the Accounting Department. Passed.
Motion to have all further NoDAPL funding to be pre approved. Passed.
Motion to assist the CR HeadStart with FY 16 old bills in the amount of $67,997.15 Passed.
Motion to approve to assist Sanitary Landfill in the amount of $5,092.80 to cover garbage at landfill. Passed.
Motion to approve Medicene Wheel Village in the amount of $142,100.00 for the month of April. Passed.
Motion to approve $50,000 for the Council Reps travel line item. Passed.
Motion to approve the refinancing of the EIchler land in the amount of $30,000 and have the Tribal Treasure negotiate payments. Passed.
Motion to approve to use the funding from the aid to Tribal Government fund and to issue and RFP agreement for the financial scanner project in the amound of $16,165.00. Passed.
Motion to approve to pay indivindual request for windsheilds during the search and rescue in the amount of $1,246.06. Passed.
Motion to approve $10,000.00 for the vets book mobile for the remainder of the fiscal year. Passed.
Motion to refer to the budget committee the proposal from falmouth for auditting. Passed.
Motion to have backup provided for any claims from the Cherry Creek building incident refer to budget committee. Passed.
--End of Budget Report--
Executive Session.
Back in session.
1:59pm Council Recessed until 930 a.m.
Day 3 April 6, 2017
Called to order: 9:40am
Roll call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bryce Bernita, Derek John Robert Ed Mark, Tator Ryman Merrie Raymond.
Prayer by Bryce.
Late: Ted
Public is welcomed to address the council.
Hap Marshall addresses council.
Anothony Levitt addresses council.
Motion to refer A Levitt request for housing to Treasurer.
Lady addresses council regarding house repairs.
140pm Called back to order.
Roll Call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bernita, John Robert Ed Mark, Tator Ryman Merrie Raymond.
Late: Derek, Bryce, Ted.
Absent: none.
Executive session.
Out of executive session.
Camelita EC addresses council re: banishment for meth drug dealers.
Sylvester W. Address council re: Brown building for meetings but is being used for the Youth in Cherry Creek.
Motion to rescind the prior action giving the blue gym to 4&8 Tri Community Development. (tribe to take over management.) Passed.
Executive Session on legal stuff.
Out of executive session.
Motion to approve the Resolution on the CRST Traffic Code advertisement for public comment. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution Mark Van Norman contract attorney. Passed.
Motion to approve travel for Council Reps travel to NIGA. Passed.
730pm Recessed until the next day.
Day 4 April 7th 2017
Called to order by chairman at 941 a.m.
Roll call: Kevin Jim Bryce Bernita, Derek John Ed Mark, Ted Ryman Merrie Raymond.
Absent: Tator, Tuffy, Robert.
Prayer by Mark Knight.
Emergency Enrollment:
Motion to approve baby Molicaka Dupris. Passed.
Executive Session 9:48 a.m. Out of Executive session. 1113am.
Education Report
March 24th minutes
Motion by resolution to approve to support the Wakpa Washte Waunspe Oti proposal. Passed.
Motion to approve the revamped scholarship policies. Passed.
Motion to approve the attorney contract by and between the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Education Agency and the Margaret Bad Warrior for attorney services. Tabled until we get a copy of the contract.
-- End of Education Report--
Lunch break 1206pm.
Called back to order: 1:36 pm
Roll call: Kevin Jim Bryce Bernita, John Ed Mark, Ryman Merrie Raymond.
Late: Derek.
Gaming Ordinance - new updated draft.
Motion to approve gaming ordinance resolution. Failed.
(the Resolution approves the new Gaming Ordinance, Governing and regulate operations, and approves a Charitable Bingo Oridinance.)
Thomas Eagle Staff Tribal Ventures Transition Coordinator addresses council with a hands outs on Tribal Census proposal.
The acting Secretary’s recording equipment had troubles working. So Council got recessed until the 20th.
Day 5 April 8th
Health Report
Law & Order Report
Motion to have the background investigator belinda ITW to be placed under the AG’s supervision TC deemed this an personnel. Refer to Chairman and Admin.
Motion to put to task the recommendation of the Assistant Attorney General on the Court Adminstrator and plan to be implemented within 30 days by Chief Judge Claymore. Passed.
Motion to approve Al Arendts request to practice in Tribal Court. Out of order.
Motion to hire Kurt Spiker as the prossecutor for the CRST. Failed.
5pm I entered the meeting because of prior meeting out of town.
Roads Report
Motion to find a water meter pit and let David Hale use it. Passed.
Motion to allow the CRST DOT to use the left over dollar Rahmah amounts from the $1.5 million allocation that was used for Snow removal / gravel road machinery which is $118,000. Failed.
Motion to approve the legal department to do a legal analysis on the collaterizing equipment or selling equipment from the CRST DOT. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for $8,112 for shorting payment to Mr. Rick Rousseau (from the extra work done at the snow storms). Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Lamb Enterprizes for payment for change order of $2,375.00 (snow removal)
Motion to declare Route 3 Moreau River Road Encroachment a hazard. Wait until next month to bring in resolution - no action.
Motion to approve resolution for BIA Roads 638 Contact modification number 5 for the Chairman to sign. Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Colvert Replacment project to Brozs Engineering $12,267.53. Passed.
--end of report--
Veterans Report
Feb. 2017 minutes submitted to the record.
Motion to approve license plate design for CRST. Passed.
--end of report--
Wolakota Report
Feb. 2017 minutes.
Motion to oppose by executive resolution the bore hole project. Already done.
Motion to approve the resolution to oppose the uranium crow butte drilling. Need resolution no action taken until resolution is drafted.
Motion to approve request Sioux San employees to attend April Session to explain the new project. No action. Chairman will get more info.
Motion to approve to support the Cultural Preservation Office’s TECA grant for ABC domes planning budget for travel expenses (to ABC Domes company in Houston). Passed.
--end of report--
Lakota Language Teachers eminent scholars payment
Motion refer all lakota language resolutions to the wolakota committee. Passed.
TECA Oyate Report
Motion to have the Adminstrative Cost rate be a flat 15% (instead of the 17%). Failed.
Resolution on 638 Contracting the Indian Health Service
Motion to approve the resolution that in accordance to the terms and conditions of PL 93-638 the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe hereby declaires its intent to contract and assume all programs, functions, services and activities of the Cheyenne River Service Unit located in Eagle Butte, SD. FAILED.
Election Board Report
Motion to refer to the Budget committee a request from Election Board for $60,000 for the Tribal Census. Passed.
Council’s Office appointments
Motion to hirer Murna LaClaire immediately with drug testing. Passed.
Motion to adjourn. Passed. At 8:50pm.