Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 2017 Council schedule

February Council 2017 Actions and Notes

CRST February Council Session

Day 1 February 07, 2017 Tuesday
Called to order. 11 reps. Recessed because of the funeral and bore hole meeting and county commissioners meetings.

Day 2. February 08, 2017 Wednesday
Called to order by Chairman Harold Frazier at 950am.
Roll Call: Kevin Jim Tuff Bryce Bernita, John Robert Mark, Tator Ryman Merrie Raymond.
Also present: Benita Harold Evann Kim.
Late: Derek, Buddy.

Enrollment Report.
Motion to approve Feb. 2 2017 report. Approved.

Motion to rescind prior council action voting on one application at a time and to use the group system. Failed. 6y 5n. 3abstain. 1absent.

Motion to approve enrollment for: Madison Anaya. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Guiliana Arroyo. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Victoria Avery. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Micheal Bald Eagle. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Michelle DeRosa Bald Eagle. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Christopher Bear. Approved
Motion to approve enrollment for: Enoch Beautiful Bald Eagle, Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Arianna Beautiful Bald Eagle Approved
Motion to approve enrollment for: Amelia Beautiful Bald Eagle. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Joseph Berg. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Kingstan Bowker. Approved.
Motion to approve enrollment for: Mason Brewer. Approved.

Motion to reconsider the previous action failed. 12 yes. Approved

Motion to to rescind the prior action and use the group system for the ⅔ vote enrollees. Approved.
(Now Council will be using the group system for the ⅔ vote enrollees off rez.)

Motion to approve the remaining ⅔ vote enrollees for February 2 2017 report.
Spencer Brown, Caraleya Charger, Cooper Cook, Halle Craige, Harper Craig, Kane Craig, Verity Craig, Croix Craig, Promis Curly LaClaire, Megan Debacker, Thomas Debacker, Sarina Delgado, Karyssa Demery, Michael Eagle, Esau Eagle Staff, Durante Eagle Satff, Anson Eagle Staff, Rowan Earley Stone Arrow, Bradley Egnew, Nevaeh Fernandez, Dakota Feurt, Kayla Feurt, Athena Fiddler, Jameson Fielder, Eduardo Flores Pedroza, Devin FowldsCarlin, Mariah Frazier, Rose Freeman, Amoriana Garreau, Azael Lopez, Mckenzie Garreaux,, Derek Gjerstad, Remona Gonzalez, Lane Gordon, Laden Gosch, Adysen Gosch, Kimberly Halvorsen, Garrison Halvorsen,  Brooklynn Hamilton, Xavier Hamilton, Demetrius Hamilton, Jaxon Hasper, Calvin Hump, Isaiah Iron Necklace, Ezabella Jewett, Nigel Johns, Hunter johnson, Chizum Johnson, Chett Kukla, Lerayna LaCLaire, Leroy Laclaire jr., Colee Lajeunesse, Tristen LeBeau, Daicey LeCompte, Darwin LECompte,  Alissa Lendahl, Jasmyn Lopez, Francisco Gracia, Sage Maldacker, Jayce Martinez, Courtney Maxon, Ann Mcdougall, CHeyenne Mcfadden, Londyn Davis, Joseph Davis, Madison Bowser, Gabriel Mclaughlin, Ivy Mclaughlin, Brooklyn Mclaughlin, Isabella Mestes,  Logan Newman, Blaine Odaniel, Ryken Oleary, ect..  Approved.

Motion to enroll applicants to the CRST. Approved.

Sarah Garreaux requests to be disenrolled from CRST by Resolution. Approved.

Presenting the 2/3s vote applications for March 16, 2015 report.

Motion to approve March 16, 2015 (pt1) the ⅔ vote application for enrollment.  Approved

Lunch break.

Called back to Order at 1:35pm
Roll call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bryce Bernita, John Mark, Tator Buddy Ryman Merrie
Late: Derek, Raymond, Robert.  
Absent: Edward

Motion to approve March 16, 2015 (pt2) the ⅔ vote applications for enrollment. 9 yes. Failed.

Motion to approve 010817 group 2/3s vote group. 11 yes. Approved.

Motion to approvd July 30, 2015 2/3s vote group. 12 yes. Approved.

Motion to approe June 24, 2015 2/3s vote group. 9 yes. Failed.

Motion to approve June 24, 2015 2/3s vote group (pt 2). Approved.
Motion to approve June 24, 2015 2/3s vote group pt 3. Approved.

Motion to approve April 16, 2015 2/3s vote group. 9 yes. Failed.
Motion to Reconsidered. 10 yes. Approved.
Motion to Approve April 16, 2015 ⅔ vote group. Approved.
Motion to approve August 27, 2015 2/3s vote group. 11 yes. Approved.

Motion to approve April 16, 2017 2/3s vote group. Approved.

Motion to approve July 30, 2015 ⅔ vote group. Approved.

Motion to approve january 4, 2016 ⅔ vote group. Approved.

Motion to approve January 29, 2016 ⅔ vote group. 13 yes. 1 no 1 absent. Approved.

Motion to approve June 7, 2016 ⅔ vote group. 10 yes. 1no, 3 abstain. 1 absent. Approved.

Motion to approve July 27, 2016 ⅔ vote group.   Approved.

Land Report.
August 31, 2016 minutes.

Oct. 03, 2016 minutes.

Oct. 18, 2016 minutes.

Council Recessed until the next day.

Day 3. February 09, 2017 Thursday
Called to order 950am.
Kevin, Jim Tuffy Bernita, Derek John Robert Ed Mark, Tator Ted Ryman Merrie Raymond
Bernita Harold Evann Kim.
Prayer by Raymond.
Late: Bryce Ted.

Motion to Rescind Marty Ward Land trade and Ref back to Land Cmte. Approved.

Motion to approve the TECA resolution for funding Tribal Ed. Agency, TECA office, Grants, and College Scholarships.  Approved.

Motion to amend Ordinance 71 to include mandatory drug testing for Range Unit permittees and Ref to Land Committee. Approved.

Lunch break.

135pm Roll Call, quorum present.
Continue with Land Report
December 20, 2016 minutes

Chairman presents Resolution
on US Secretary of Agriculture for assistance. Motion to approve Resolution. Approved.

Back to Land Report
January 31st, 2017 mins
Finished Land Report.

Legal Report
Executive Session
Out of Executive Session.

Motion to divest any/all money from Wells Fargo or any financial institution that funds DAPL. Approved.

About 630pm. Recessed until the next day.

Day 4. February 10, 2017. Friday.
Chairman Frazier Called Council to Order at 945am.
Roll Call: Jim Tuffy Bernita, John Robert Mark, Tator Ryman Merrie Raymond
Executives Present: Bernita Harold Evann (And assist. Kim)
Prayer by Councilman Jim Pearman.

Secretary’s Report
Motion to approve the prior minutes February 11 & 17, 2016 and May 3,4,5,&9, 2016.  Approved.

Motion to advertise and accept letters of interest for all vacant board positions (everything). Approved.

Motion to approve to accept letters of interests for the vacancies for C-EB, Tiospaye, Takini boards until the elections are held for the boards.  Approved.

Motion to admend the ordinances, that all boards have a two years term and ref to legal dept. Approved.

Executive (Committee) Resolutions
Chairman presents the executive resolutions

Motion to approve the resolution for easements for water and sewer lines in North EB.  Approved.

Motion to approved travel for Councilman Knight to Wash. DC to attend Fed. Court RE: Keeps Eagle case.  Approved.

Motion to approve E52017CR regarding requesting USDA disaster funds. Already Approved.

Motion to approve E32017CR that $759,448 to pay for CR Gas, Sacred Stone Camp, Bowker Family, Trash Truck, Legal Fees, and Denise Casillas claim.

Motion to approve E152017CR CRST has asserted claims pursuant to the Contract Disputes Act CDA against the Indian Health Service IHS and the US Department of Health and Human Servies HHS for shortfalls in the payment of direct and indirect contract support costs under contracts made between IHS and the Tribe pursuant to the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act. For $835,000 2006-2008 and $986,143 2009-2011. Approved.
Chairman gives floor to Melvin and Melda Garreaux regarding land issue.

Motion to remove Jeri Vines BIA Range Manager. Failed.

Motion to take out Melda Garreau’s land out of Range Unit status and assist her with any fences the Tribe has in its possession.  Approved.

Motion to pay 1500 to Melvin Garreau using the Rehab money. Motion Pulled.

Motion to Refer David Bone to the Human Servies committee. Approved.

Recessed unitl the 23rd 930am.

Day 5 February 23rd
VC Chasing Hawk Called order at 945am.
Roll Call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bryce Bernita, John Mark, Tator Ryman Merrie,
Executives present: Bernita Robert Evann (Assistant Kim).
Late Buddy, Derek, Raymond. Harold at the Camp.
Prayer By Merrie Miller White Bull.

Executive Resolutions
E16, E17, E18, E19, E20, E21, E22, E23, E23, E24, E25, E26, E27, E28, E29, E30, E31, E32, E33, E34, E35, Approved.

Councilman Pearman presents “Pay Conversion” proposal for Council reps pay. Change to a Hourly wage 32 hours Council and 18 hours Committees at $76.00/hour.  
Motion to Table proposal until Mr. Bartlett and Mr. Widow are here. Approved.

District Reports
District 1 Presented By Councilman In The Woods. Loss quorum at the District meeting.
District 2 - No quorum.
District 3 - not presented to council.
District 5 - Tabled by Vice Chairman the District 5 Report. Sec. has not paid her $25 fee.
District 6 - No meeting. No District Chairman.
Concludes the District Reports.

Lunch Break.

1:40pm Called to order.
Roll call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bryce Bernita, John Mark, Tator Ted Ryman
Executives: Bernita Robert Evann.
Late: Raymond, Derek
Absent: Ed, Merrie

Budget Report
January 24th minutes Following actions presented and Council takes action on the following:

1 Motion for the AG to send a request to all Law Firms we use to send a monthly invoice to Tribal Council.  Approved.

2 Motion for Chairmans office to get in contact with all law firms to update thier contracts for service for the remainder of the FY 2017 and draft contract to go to the Attorney General for review.

3 Motion for the Accounting department to get an itemized break down of the expences and consultant fees for NoDAPL for the past billing and the present to the end of Fiscal Year 2017. Approved.

4 Motion to refer Housing Authority & Property and Supply to help with materials on the Cherry Creek Youth Center. Approved.

5 Motion to approve porta potty’s and dumpters to the herry Creek Youth Center to be paid for by the Tribe. Approved.

6 Motion to approve $1000.00 for start up for the Cherry Creek Youth Center and also to send to ABC commission.  Approved.
Finished the Budget & Finance Report.

Health Report
January 12, 2017 minutes.
Council takes the following actions:

1 Motion to approve Resolution for a revised Drug Testing Policy, Rescinds all prior drug testing policy and approves this revised drug testing policy. Sent back to Cmte.
Concludes the Health Report.

Roads Report
June 3rd 2016 minutes.
Oct 16th 2016 minutes.
Oct. 27th 2016 minutes.
Jan. 27th, 2017 minutes.
Jan. 30th, 2017 minutes.
Jan. 31st, 2017 minutes

No formal actions were taken up by the Council from the Roads Report. Concludes the Road Committee Report.

Law & Order Report
February 2, 2017 minutes

1 Motion to assign one of the vacnt formenr IHS House for a Attorney General office with a security fence (because of break ins at current office). Motion withdrawn.

2 Motion to refer to the ABC commission the liquor ordinance draft for comment. Approved.

3 Motion to approve adding Judge Shanley to the speacial judge list pending clearance of requrements and remove Peter Griffin.  Approved.
Concludes the Law & Order Report.

Monty Condon addresses Council presents Capilary’s Book page 734.

Aaron Widow addresses Council words of encouragment. Don’t forget the Children.

Recessed until 9:30a.m. tomorrow.

February 24, 2017.  Day 6.
Called to Order at 945am. Roll Call: Kevin Jim Tuffy Bryce Bernita, Derek John Mark, Tator Ted Ryman
Executives: Bernita Robert Evann (Assitant Kim).   Chairman Frazier called said he would be late.
Late: Raymond, Edward, Merri.
Prayer by Ted Knife.

Economic Development Report
January 30th, 2017 minutes.

Human Services Report
Submitted for record no actions needed.

Education Report
January 11, 2017 minutes.
Motion to approve Resolution RE: parttime students to receive up to $1500 per semester. Approved.
Finished Education Report.

TECA Oyate Committee Report
January 2017 minutes.
Motion to use 15% Admin fee for TECA Grants. Taken back to comittee.
Finished TECA Report.

Wolakota Report
February 3rd, 2017
Motion to request Marc Roy AG, for legal assistance to the WoLakota Committee. Approved.
Finished the WoLakota Report.

Attorney General Marc Roy reports to council.

Other Resolutions

Motion to approve Resolution for the opposition of the City of Eagle Butte in their application for easment for the sewer/water lines to the Dewey County commissioners And any actions by City OF EB that may disrupt the Tribes plans to develop the North 212 infrastructure areas including but not limited to Touch the Clouds area, Badger Park, Becker and Two Hawks lands.  Approved.

Motion to approve the renewable energy funding request from BIA. Approved.

Motion to make the District Councils have ten members for quorum counting the chairman and secretary.  Failed.

Motion to adjourn. Approved. Adjourned February Session at 130pm. Closing Prayer. Hechetu welo.