Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 9th-13th Week Committee Schedule

Hello Relatives,

I know we are in the middle of the week but I wanted to share this information.  There is a meeting Weds 1pm regarding the "Land Buy Back" program that is not on the official calendar.  This Land Buy Back program would create a system for the Govt to purchase fractionated land from Tribal members for the Tribe.  Also, not on the calendar is on June 13th President Obama will be in Cannonball, ND.  

Report to the CRST regarding Washington DC meetings

Friday, June 6, 2014

Oceti Sakowin Wind Energy meeting with Department of Energy June 6th 2014

Hello folks,

I will be attending this important gathering, along with other representatives from the Sioux Tribes. We sent a letter to the Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy, requesting this meeting. See their response below.  We wanted to start a conversation about the WAPA allocations, electric coops on tribal lands, and other possible ways we might partner.  I got excused from Council to attend.

The bigger picture here is the Sioux Tribes are working collectively to create a large scale wind energy project called the Oceti Sakowin Power Authority (click on link for more info). So this meeting is part of the groups efforts in work toward our goal.  See the info below.  Toksa ake.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 2014 Council Meetings

Hello! Here's my own record of Council meetings. Council is still in session. So will keep this post updated til its adjourned.

June 3rd 2014 Regular Session Day 1 of Council
Called to order 10:00 am. No quorum. 
9 reps present for roll call - Ardys C, Johnilyn G, Ben EE, Scott L, Todd W, Bob W, Derek B, Robin L, Ryman L

Absent were - Rick R, Deanna L, Wayne D, Merrie M, Ed W, Buddy K.

Prayer by Robin L.

June 4th 2014 Special Session Day 2

Called to order at 115pm.  
10 reps present - Deanna L, Scott L, Rick R, Robin L, Robert W, Buddy K, Johnilyn G, Ryman L, Merrie M, Ardys C.

Late - Ed W, Ben EE, Derek B.

Absent are - Wayne D (travel), Todd W (medical). 

Prayer by Rick R.

Chairman:  Today the Council will go over the District minutes and Executive Resolutions

District 1
Motion 1 - to add the words “community” to the Council Resolution re: bosly building. Passed.
Motion 2 - For the Tribe to mow the grass at the Dupree Powwow Grounds. Passed.

Additional actions regarding the District
Motion 3 - for the County to fix the Bear Creek road because its too narrow.

District 2 
Motion 4 - to refer to the Transportation Cmte to work on getting the Takini road paved. Passed.

District 3
No quorum.
Concerns regarding the Route 12 road.  Transportation Cmte is working on taking out the black top and using gravel.

District 4 
No Quorum.
Council Reps Concerns
5. Motion to refer storm shelter for District 4, No Heart community.  Passed.
6. Motion to refer, to design a fall out shelter for all the communities.  Passed.

District 5 
No Quorum.
Council Reps Concerns
Gravel for driveways.
Security - foot patrol.

Health break. 2:40 pm.
Back on 2:50 pm.

Motion 7 - Lucy Knight request Refered to ABC commission to take care of. Passed.

Executive Session with a Tribal Elder. Motion Passed. Go into Executive session at 3:00pm.

Back to finish the District minutes:

District 6
No Quorum

Executive Resolutions

8. Motion - Dee Espinoza $8000 contract to provide Cultural Monitoring course for certification - Passed

9. Motion - JD Pluming contract award for the Transitional Living (Half way housing) renovating and repair sewer. Deadline for the contract 90 days. Mutual extension clause. Motion Pulled.  No Action, waiting for more info.

10 Motion - IHS 1.2 million improvements 638 contracting the construction including a helipad, EMS - Passed

11. Motion - for the Election board to purchase new ballot boxes $13,314 - Passed

Break for the Day 4:36 pm.  Stand Recessed til the next day at 9:30 am.

June 5th 2014 Day 3

Called to order 9:57 am.  
11 Reps Present:  Ardys C, Johnilyn G, Buddy K, Ed W, Scott L, Todd W, Derek B, Bob W, Robin L, Ryman L, Deanna L .

Late: Rick R. Merrie M.

Absent: Wayne D (travel), Ben EE (medical)

Prayer by Buddy Knife.

Chairman:  Today is Executive Resolutions and Kay Clown regarding Oti Kaga.  Then into Committee Reports.

1. Motion to approve the JD Plumbing contract for Transitional Living repairs 81,000. Passed.

2. Motion to approve the Blondo contract for Archaeologist services $3,000.  Passed

3. Motion to do appraisal on the Presentation College building. Passed

4. Motion for contract for Kenneth Marshall Sr. for food services to vets.  Passed

5. Motion for LUST grant for Environment Protection Dept.  Passed.

6. Motion for UST grant EPD.  Passed.

Health Break

Elder Kay Clown addresses Council RE Oti Kaga Housing deficiencies.
Need to Pass a Housing Code to govern this organization?
7. Motion to Refer to Legal Dept.

Tribal Attorney Gunn - presents the Summer Law Interns to Council.  Katherine, Nick, Jacob.

Lunch Break at 11:50 am.
Called back to order at 1:30 pm. 12 Reps present.

Go into Executive Session as requested by a Tribal Elder and another Tribal member. 135pm.
Out of Executive Session 

8. Motion to Exclude Tina Harris from the CRST reservation.  Passed.

9. Motion to Refer Madea’s issue to legal.  Passed.

Health Break
Back on.

Back into Executive Session with BIA Superintendent. 
Out of Executive at 513 pm.

Recessed at 514 pm for the day.

Council will be back on Friday June 6th.

June 6th, 2014 Day 4 Council

Roll Call:  Quorum present.  

Absent: Ryman (excused to attend Dept of Energy meeting)
                        Click>>HERE<<for more info.

All day on Land Report.

** I was not present on Friday, I was at another meeting representing the Tribe at Dept of Energy meeting. I was excused from Council.  I will research the actions of Council June 6th and update my findings.

Recessed til Monday

Monday June 9, 2014 Day 5 Council

Roll Call 10:00 am.  Quorum present.

Present: Ardys, Johnilyn, Buddy, Edward, Scott, Wayne, Merrie, Todd, Bob, Derek, Robin, Ryman, Rick.

Late: Deanna, Ben

Absent: none.

Prayer: Ryman

Chairman says: we are going to finish the Land Report. No Fighting.  People passed on and are sick.  Be thankful we are healthy today.

March Land report.
Note: all Tribal Land assisngments are by Resolution.  The actions below are accompanied with a resolution per the Constitution regarding land assignments. 

BIA addresses Council: Greg Borland and Jeri Vines RE JD Johnson issue.
Rita Murray addresses Council same issue.
1. Motion to award the farm pasture 610 lease bid $14/acre to Brenda Lemon - Passes.

2. Motion to get appraisals on Lyle Anderson land sale to the Tribe - Passes.

April 22nd 2014 Land Cmte minutes.
Farm Pasture leases highest bidder
3. Motion to award Farm Pasture lease 299 to Cody Jewett bid at $7.66/acre. - Passed.

4. Motion to award Farm Pasture 322 Carson Williams $6.40/acre bid. - Passed.

5. Motion to award Farm Pasture 362 to Adam Shuhart bid $10.10/acre. - Passed.

6. Motion to award Farm Pasture 810 to Rita Farlee bid $31.78/acre 160 acres. - Passed.

7 Motion to award Farm Pasture 811 to Ivan Lind bid $11/acre 80 acres. - Passed.

8. Motion to award Farm Pasture 862 to Jayme Murray $37.21/acre 149 acres. - Passed

9. Motion to advertise the Farm Pastures that didn’t recieve any bids to Non Members since no members bid on them. - Passed.

10. Motion to raise $1.00/acre on all the Re advertised Farm Pastures. - Passed.

11. Motion to award Farm Pasture 999BeckerLand-a to highest bidder Gib Marshall $26.26/acre for 180.55 acres. $4,741.24 per year. Land can be taken out of lease as needed for economic development  - Passed.

12. Motion to award Farm pasture 999BLb to highest bidder Ginger Bowman $45/acre for 105.77 acres $4,760 per year.  Land can be taken out for economic development. - Passed.

13. Motion to award Farm pasture 999-LL (former Leistmiester land) Ginger Bowan highest bidder $7/acre for 10.9 acres and $45/acre for 236.74 acres Total $10,729.60 per year. Land can be taken out for economic development. - Passed.

14. Motion to award Farm Pasture 999-TH (former Two Hawk land) to Lonny White Eyes $30/acre for 60 acres Totals $1,800 per year. Land can be taken out for economic development. - Passed.

15. Motion for Brian Holmes govt employee to help the Land Office with management plans for the Farm Pasture leases. - Passed.

Health Break 11:40 am.  Back on at 1150 am.

Policy Changes
16. Motion for to amend Ordinance 71; XII to add the following to letter i) .. “during the current grazing period” - Passed.

17. Motion to amend Ordinance 71;XXI to add to 1. “These propsed amendments shall be posted for public comment for a period of no less than thirty days after which Tribal Council will consider and adopt the law formally by resolution” - Passed.

18. Motion amend Ordinance 71; XIII to add the following “J) Any three violation of their ordinance within the current grazing period will be cause for placement in  open allocation of the next grazing period.”   No action. Motion pulled. Take back to Land Cmte for clarification. Land Chair said it will be on the Cmte Agenda.

19. Motion to amend Ordinance 71; XVI. Determination of Non compos mentis of permittee. 1. to add the following “if at the end of the current grazing period the orginal permittees continee to be noncompos mentis the range units will qualify for open allocation.” - Passed.

Council takes Lunch at 12:15pm til 130pm.

Called back to order at 144pm.
Roll Call. Quorum present.
Members Present: Ardys, Johnilyn, Edward, Ben, Todd, Scott, Merrie, Wayne, Bob, Ryman, Rick, Deanna.

Late: Derek, Buddy.

Absent: Robin (excused).

Chairman: Hear from Amos Cook then going back over the Land Report and other minutes.

Amos Cook addresses Council RE Youth Victory Ride June 10-25th.
20. Motion to refer to administration and ABC for funding. - Passed.

Back to Land Report

May 20 2014 Land Cmte minutes.
21. Motion to approve Joint Permit for RU 391 adding Mr. Deb Ducheneaux. - Passed.

22. Motion to approve the $9/acre rate for the farm pasture tract 370 to Bernie Tibbs. - Passed.

23. Motion to approve Margaret Gunvilles request for easement on tribal lands. - Passed.

Hunting Seasons
24. Motion to approve the Pronghorn Season 2014 - Passed.

25. Motion to approve the Mule Deer Season 2014. - Passed.

26. Motion to approve the Whitetail Deer Season 2014. - Passed.

Right of Way Easement
27. Motion to approve the Right of Way easement for Mni Washte’ to relocate a waterline on BIA route 6. - Passed. (took out the words “TriCounty Water Association”).

Trade Use Agreements
28. Motion approving the Trade Use Agreement for Range Unite 45 Jon, Toni, Brian Holmes. - Passed.

29 Motion approving the Trade Use Agreement for Range Unit 16. - Passed.

30. Motion approving the Trade Use Agreement for Range Unit 260 - Passed.

Reform Actions 
31. Motion to rescind the prior Council action granting the Land Committee the authority to approve pasture authorizations so Council will do the PA’s - Failed.

32. Motion to  have a copy of the contractual agreement between permittees and livestock owners be given to the Tribe before a pasture authorization be submitted for approval. - Failed. 

Concludes the Land Report.

Health Break 247pm.

Back order.

Chairman: we are going to hire the Land Director and a Council Secretary.
Note: a  month or two ago, Council passed a motion for Council to hire the Land Director not the Hiring Board.
Go into executive session 312pm.

out of executive session 410pm.

33. Motion to hire Kirby Burgee for Council Secretary. - Passed.

The Administration will re advertise the Land Director job.

Chairman: Teton Ducheneaux is here to address Council RE Bumping Clause for Health CEO.

34. Motion to approve Teton Ducheneaux to utilize the Tribal Preference Clause for the Health CEO. - Passed.

Transportation Report April 15, 2014 minutes
35. Motion to accept the bid for John Deer 290 trachoe $273,514 - Passed.

36. Motion to have Transportation hire a Staff Engineer along with 4 full time heavy equipment operators. - Passed.

Madea LeBeau addresses Council RE exclusion of some non members.

37. Motion approving the exclusion of three non members from CRST reservation - Passed.

Chairman: Tribal Council is recessed til Tuesday June 17th 930am.
5:05pm Council Recessed.

Hechetu welo.