Monday, May 26, 2014

Week May 26-30th 2014 CRST Government Committee schedule

Last week of May!

Monday - Memorial Day.  Wokiksuye Anpetu.  No work, No meetings.

Tuesday - 9 am Tax committee, 1030 Environment Natural Resources committee, 1pm Economic Development.  However all three got Postponed til June 2nd.  These meetings were scheduled but due to scheduling conflicts I postponed the meetings to June 2nd.  I chair all three of these Committees and I will be busy all week with the Native American Employment & Training Council which I am a member.

Wednesday - Tribal Projects Committee 10 am.  And Transportation Committee 1pm

Thursday - CR Housing Authority board 10 am.  The Tribal Housing Committee makes up the board until a new charter/ordinance is put in place by Council.

1 pm Loan Committee - there are a few of us that are informally working on changing the loan policy.

Friday - Judiciary Committee 10 am.

Any questions about the meetings let me know.

**There might be changes to the schedule that I am not aware of and is not reflected in this post.  You can always call the Council Secretaries 605-964-6685.

Hope you all have a great week!  Toksa ake wacin!

Tribal Ventures Board Meets May 16th 2014

The roll of this board is to review, approve, disapprove applications for funding.  As well as to provide oversight and program direction for Tribal Ventures.  The board is made up of community members from various backgrounds and one member from tribal council.  The council appointed me to this board last year so far we had three meetings that I have been a part of.  A more comprehensive report will be provide in the future.. For now it will be this meeting.

12:10 pm Tribal Ventures Board meeting called to order.

At this meeting we had about $75,000 of which $50k was for business and $25k for communities.  We had about six proposals.  Three got funded. Two were tabled. And one got disapproved.

$50,000 was approved for the the Cultural Center business upgrades to help promote/secure its Gift Shop.

$5,000 was approved for the LaPlant community for the Powwow and softball events.

$5,000 was approved for the Iron Lightning community for the July 4th powwow and events.

We ran out of Business money after approving the Cultural Center's proposal.  We only had Community projects money left.  The board had discussed getting into next years money.

Tabled - were a "Mni" project $15,000, to build a shade, outhouse, and fund a camp this summer.  Mni Projects is to build small scale dams to slow rain water down.  Also Tabled the Cheyenne River Youth Projects proposal until we get more money in the accounts.

Disapproved - was the Dog Shelter $50,000 proposal from CRST Game, Fish, Parks.

Previously funded business Good River construction - put in a request to reprogram their grant.

I left the meeting 12:45 pm to go to the CEB High School Senior Honoring.
Hechetu welo.