Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Check out what JTAC committee has come up with.. 30 Million dollars worth. Plus, the 8.5 Million but that will be handle & paid by the Interior to the bank.

We Stressed that we should focus on the immediate needs for the folks. Then PLAN over the winter months for a Comprehensive PLAN concerning: Economic Development, Health, Education, Infrastructure, Recreation, & Social Welfare.

Politics ensues and we are now at 30 million of ideas without a real plan for it..

For some reason committee felt they could at the Council November Session 1. Approve of Ordinance   2. Pass a resolution to approve and draw down the $30 million.  *this is NOT the process in the Ordinance.  I played along.. Reminding them that we still had more work to do to get this money.

Some of these items, I supported and some I didn't. I think the best thing that came out of these meetings were the discussions.

Things felt like they were going fast!

SLOWING IT DOWN: So in the last JTAC committee meeting we passed a motion to extend the comment period by 30 days on the Ordinance & this budget so we can get the peoples buy in or not.


This motion for 30 more days for Law / Budget review failed at Council.

We will be reviewing all the comments that were made regarding the Ordinance. And possible implementing the comments pending Council approval.

LEGAL REPORTED:  to Council that we have a few more important tasks to complete before we should even begin to discuss the money and allocation of such dollars to Projects.

Also, within the JTAC Ordinance there are certain steps that one must take in order to get a project funded. So this is good.  Slow it all down. The $30 million would need to follow the process which is spelled out in the ordinance. The process starts with a comprehensive proposal then goes to the JTAC Office, then JTAC Board, then to JTAC Committee, then Final Approval by Council. So I think this is a good process. Hopefully we can get qualified community folks to serve on the JTAC Board. Right now it looks like council reps will sit on that board. I am Working to make this change. So we can work TOGETHER in making a better community for the people.

I'll keep ya updated on what happens.
