For The People of Cheyenne River: Updates, Reports, info
Information from District 5 Council Representative Ryman LeBeau's Office. Accountability and reporting for the people of Cheyenne River Lakota District 5 Oyate.
Monday, October 4, 2021
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Feb Council Session 2020 Notes
February Council Session Regular 2020
CR Motel Conference Room
Eagle Butte, Great Sioux Nation
Day 1 Tuesday February 4, 2020
Called to order at 935 am.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Robert, Derek, John, Vincent, Tater, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, Randle.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Evann. And assistant Kim.
Prayer by Ted.
Audit Summary Presentation by REDW expertise Power Point and audit for 2017. 2016 audit was also passed out to council.
Motion to accept the 2016 and 2017 audits. - Passed.
Lunch Break.
Called to order at 2:06 pm.
Roll Ccall Bernita, Jim, Tuffy Bryce Robert, Derek, John, Vince, Tater, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, Randle.
Secretary’s Report
Motion to approve the prior mins. - Passed.
Gaming Commission Applicants
Sharon L, Bruce BW, Buddy C, DeeAnn L, Sharleen T.
Motion to refer to the AG for review. - Passed.
Ordinance 50 Police Commission
Previous asction re a motion for $10,000.00 donation for a statue in Pierre, SD with other tribes. No money sent yet.
Motion to research and refer to budget committee. - Passed.
Distict Reports
Dist.2 - No quorum
Dist. 3 No quorum
Dist 4 Jan 19th No quorum
Dist 5 Jan 12th No quorum
Dist 6 Dec 16th No quorum.
Dist. 6 January 29th Quorum present.
Motion to have the CRST
Motion to have the CRST
Motion to approve nominate Rick R for the Tiospaye Topa School Board. - Passed.
Motion to approve to remove the snow in the streets by Transportation in all communities. Due to flooding of streets and crawl spaces from heavy snow. - Passed.
Motion to approve for Transportation to check on elderly roads in District 6. - Passed.
Motion to prioritize Larry C Sr. road. Also include Ronnie B road. - Passed.
Motion to refer to claims committee: request that CRST develop and enact, ratify and legislation process regarding CRST Constitution. - Passed.
Motion to remove the VE from Lindskov lease. Return VE to the Tribe for tribal members to use. - Tabled until Thursday.
Motion to request help with septic system tank over filled. - No action, already taken care of.
Motion to have IHS reinstall water hydrant for Mr. Hill. - Passed.
--end of dist reports--
WIC addresses Council: Gives reports.
Melvin G addresses council. Also, Ivan LH, Steve M, others.
Chairman recesses the council until the following day.
Day 2 Wednesday February 5, 2020
Council called to order at 9:35 am.
Roll Call: Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bob, John, Vince, Mark, Tater, Ryman, Randle. Barely late: Derek and Merrie.
Executives: Benita Harold Evann. And assitant Kim.
Prayer: John.
Shannon B and Hawk to present a powerpoint.
Motion for executives at 9:39 am. - Passed.
Out of exec. At 10:52 am.
Motion to refer to Chairmans office to write a letter of interest to the state of Cali & Nasa - Passed.
Budget Report
January 29th mins
Motion to have the attorney genreal review and suspend the current contrators based on the Attorneys overspending their budgets.
Motion to table Bernice WE request to be paid annual leave due to ladk of funds. She can come back after the Reports are completed and the accounts are unfrozen.
Motion to refer the Telephone Authority request to disconnect the elderly telephone services who owe more than $100 to the Attorney General.- Passed.
Law and Order Report
Motion to approve resolution that the CRST Council does hereby reaffirm resolution No. 86-2013-CR, CRST Child Care Worker Employee Back Ground Check Policy as the governing policy and standard for all Tribally controlled schools within the boundaries of the CRST Reservation. - Passed.
Health Report
Jan. 24, 2020
Moiton to have Missouri Breks followup on incedental finding for factors influencing pediatric asthma. - Passed.
Motionm to approve the CRST Data Use Policy and refer it to the CRST Tribal Council for consideration. - No Action, draft policy is not ready.
Motion that if the Tribal Health Providers do not finish their daily notes per patient visit it is recommended that they receive diciplinary action. - Passed.
Motion to appoint Danette S as the Point of Contact for the State Tribal HIV Coordination by resolution. - Passed.
Resolutions Needed
Motion to draft a resolution by the Tribal Education Office. - Passed.
Motion to approve the resolution that the CRST council hereby approves of the CRST Game Fish and Parks 2020 Spring Turkey Seasons Fees and Limits, and said seasons are subject to all restrictions contained within. - Passed.
Land Report
January 14, 2020 mins
Motion to rescind resolution No. 68-2017-CR assigning Majel Bird Necklace one lot of Tribal land for home site located within the community of Eagle Butte. - Passed.
Motion to assigning Noah C one lot on tribal land for a home site located within the community of Eagle Butte. - Passed.
Motin to rescind Resolution No 274-00-CR assigning Georgelyn S one lot of Tribal land for a ome site located within the commjunity of Eagle Butte. - Passed.
Motion to approve assigning Alexzandria WB one lot on tribal land for a home site located within the community of Eagle Butte. - Passed.
Motion to approve to completion of Joey F proposed land exchange with the tribe as described as above. (5.43 allotted acres for 5 acres of wholey owned Tribal land inside the Elk Pasture.) - tabled.
Roads Report
January 24, 2020 mins
Motion to approve to have ERFO finish the designs for the 6 projects sites. - Passed.
Motion for BIA not to leave windrows on the gravel roads. - Passed.
TECA Report
December 23rd, 2020 mins
Motion to readdress appointmnet of District 1 board member and readvertise the District 1 TECA Board position and follow the process prescribed in Ordinance 74. - Tabled.
Chairman recessed the council until next day 9:30 am.
Day 3 Thursday February 6th, 2020
Called to order by Chairman at 9:30 am.
Roll Call: Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bob, John, Vince, Mark, Tater, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, RJ, Derek.
Prayer by Bryce.
Executives: Harold, Evann. And assistant Kim.
Jaslyn C addresses council presents proposed resolution on MMIW.
Motion to approve the resolution that the CRST Council hereby declares that a State of Emergency exists on the CR Sioux Indian Reservation with regard to the most innocent of our population, our children, who bear the brunt of this epidemic, and Be It Further Resolved that the CRST hereby calls on the US Dept. of Interior, BIA and all other federal and international agencies to assist the CRST within the Great Sioux Nation, to address the dangerous drug epidemic that is directly related violence, child abuse and neglect, human trafficking, and Missing Murdered Indigenous Women and Children, - Passed.
Rose M addresses Council about a prior motion.
Verzella L addresses Council. Requests executive session.
Motion to go into executive session at 11:17 am. - Passed.
2:15 pm Out of executive session.
Lunch break.
Lose quorum.
Chairman adjourns council. Will set up Special Session to finish up the committee reports: TECA, Veterans, Wolakota, ABC.
February 19, 2020 Wed. Special Council Session
Agenda: TECA, Veterans, Wolakota, Ordinance 14.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bob, Derek, John, Vince, Ed. Mark, Tater, Ryman, Merrie.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Evann. And Kim.
Later: Ted, RJ.
TECA Oyate Committee mins December 23, 2019
Motion to readdress appointmnet of District 1 board member and readvertise the District 1 TECA Board position and follow the process prescribed in Ordinance 74. - Chair called action out of order.
Motion to approve resolution TECA:
Whereas, pursuant to its Constitutionally delegated powers, the Tribal Council on March 9, 2012, enacted Ordinance 74 “Tribal Equitable COmpensation Act,” which provides a process for administering the settlement funds received by the Tribe in accordance with PL 106-511: The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Equitable Conmpensation Act; and
Whereas, Ordinance 74, 74-106 grants the following authoirty to the memebers of the TECA Board, “The TECA BOard is authorized to select the recipients of TECA awards based upon the proposal system that is established by the ordinance,” and
Whereas, ordinance 74, 74-108(A) states in part, ‘The TECA Board determines withich of the applicatns shall be funded through the proposal process… The TECA Board reserves the right to deny any application or proposal;”
Wherease, Section 74-108(B) of Ordiannce 74 directs that upon selection for fudning by the TECA Board, “a Tribal Council resolution is drafted and approved by Tribal Council in order to draw down trust monies,” and
Whereas, the TECA Board apporved fudning applications under Fund 2 - Infrastructure Development, as was created via CRST Ordinance 74, for a FY 2019 Special Infrastructure Construction Projects Reqeust for Proposals; and
Whereas, on November 5th, 2019 the TECA Board approved $1.899,334.00 in funding for the following applications in Fund 2 - Infrastructure Development:
Project Name Amount Funded
CR Motel Infrastructure Project $193,251.00
Tribal Admin. Facility Project $436,000.00
Cemetery Repair Project $200,000.00
Route 9 Culvert Replacement Project $660,000.00
Rodeo Grounds Upgrade Project $410,083.00
Whereas, pursuant to Ordinance 74 74-401 of the Tribal Equitable Compensation Act, under one fuding category - Fund 2 - Infrastructure Development all fudning application listed herein are eligible activities for use of TECA funds; now
Therefore Be It Resolved, the CRST hereby authorizes the draw down of funds based on the TECA Board’s approval of these applications in the amount of $1,899,334.00 from the Office of Speical Trustee; and
Be It Further Resolved, the funding draw down will be done in quarterly increments by the CRST Tribal Treasurer in coordination with the TECA Office; - Passed.
Enrollment Emergency. Majority
Motion to enroll Rylin Rain K. - Passed.
Enrollment Emergency. 2/3rds Council (10 votes needed for enrollment)
Motion to enroll Oklay Christian T. - Passed.
Wolakota report
- Motion to have the $218,000.00 remain with the cultural preservation Program and to have Alice LC, Wanda L, Dennis R, Steve V, Dana D, Rory BW, Kenton K, and Tracey Z to present during the Tribal Council session to discuss the percentages. - Passed.
Motion to have the Buffalo Board reimburse the CRST cultural preservation office and make payments to the cultural preservation office debt. -
4) Motion to advertise the Office Manager for Cultural preservation office with salaries negociatable. - Administration will take care of it. No action needed.
2) Motion to approve to 638 BIA Archaeologist and refer to the AG to draft a letter and resolution informing Aberdeen Area of CRST intent to contract this service as soon as possible. - Passed.
3) Motion to refer to Buffalo Board to have the Buffalo board reimburse the CRST cultural preservation office and make payments to the cultural preservation office debt. - passed.
January 3rd 2020 mins
Motion to approve resolution and contract NRCS pending legal. - Passed.
Motion to refer to council to halt the construction of all cell towers until full disclosure of 5g roll out is complete. - no action needed.
Motion to develop a blue sky ordinance with all rights reserved without prejudice. - Passed.
Motion to add Tribal historic Preservation officer, Steve Vance to be a voting member for the Wolakota committee. - Out of Order, second was pulled.
Motion to reintroduce buffalo into districts, communities, individuals, and to have buffalo director come up with a plan and proposal. - Passed.
Motion to pronounce In God We Trust as Wakan Tanka un Wacinyanpi. - Passed.
Motion to approve proposal record and and interview native participants that are in the ride. refer to council. - referred back to committee.
Motion to refer ordinance of Oglala Sioux tribal council regarding the black hills to Tribal Council and our position is the Black Hills are not for sale. - Passed.
Motion to refer and request an invitation to the Oglala BH Treaty council, Rosebud Treaty council Oglala president Julian BR rosebud President, Henny Waylon to come to EB and have a public meeting with the four bands here, explaining the draft ordinance of the BH. - refer to AG, Passed.
Motion to support and refer to Tribal Council emergency Tribal declaration regarding children removed from their homes by the department of social services in rapid City, as Pennington county. 1868 Treaty territory. - Passed.
Motion to develop a declaration for state of emergency regarding Lakota language. - refer to the chairman office and budget committee, Passed.
Motion to approve changes to Election Ordinance 14. - Passed.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Monday, January 13, 2020
CRST COUNCIL JAN 2020 Regular Session Actions NOTES
NOTES FROM: CRST Council Regular Session January 2020
CR Motel Conference Room
Eagle Butte, Great Sioux Nation.
Day 1 Tuesday January 7, 2020 NOTES
Called to order at 9:41 by Chairman
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Robert, Derek, Vincent, Edward, Mark, Tater, Ted, Ryman, Merrie, RJay.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Evann. And assistant Kim.
Prayer by Mark.
Motion to approve the prior minutes. - Passed.
Motion to approve Maxine FB for the Dist. 5 Policy Board seat (Grevieance). - Passed.
Gaming Commission - no applicants yet. Closes January 10th.
Motion to readvertise if theres no applicants by the deadline. - Passed.
Motion to refer to the attorney general’s office (question on Ord. 78). - Passed.
Chirstmas Loans Resolution to transfer $20,000.00 general funds for loans to employees. - Passed.
WIC Nutritionist Contract Presented
Motion to approve resolution for (no bid, no committee action.) sole source Marcella G. to serve as the WIC Nutritionalist by contract. - Passed.
Motion to deny any (convicted meth dealers) requests to come back for wakes or funerals until amendments come through the Law and Order committee. - Passed.
Called to order 2:05 pm.
Roll call: bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bob, Derek, Vincent, Mark, Tater, Ted, Ryman, RJay.
District Reports
Dist One: January 5th 2020
Motion to have a public hearings on the 5g network and to hold up no construction of any new towers. - Passed.
Motion to establish a District 1 beef herd utilizing Tribal land farm land South of Iron Lightning. Amendment with concurrence with the Iron Lightning Community. - Tabled.
Motion to refer to support the letter regarding the ICWA issue in Rapid City, who are Tribal members and residents of Pennington Co. -
Motion to have the council reps be on time and do not adjourn at 10 am. - Passed.
District 2 - no quorum.
District 3 - no quorum.
District 4 - no quorum.
District 5 - November 26 , 2019
Motion to update the old measurements of the corner lot by Lakota Thrifty Mart and CRST property and supply, old 212 lot #t2298, adding on 1.24 acres more, the lot measures 240 feet by 225 feet. - Passed.
Motion for the Tribe is to move mobile home off District #5 lot. - Passed.
Motion all District 5 board members to make a report at district meeting. If not, have them step down or resign, and a written report will be okay. - In House.
Motion the CRST Administrative Officer to investigate all these complaints and allegations about the CRST Support Services program and provide a written report of the findings to the members of the CRST. - Referred to Administration.
Motion CRST provide more street lighting to the Dupree street, Tribal trailer court and Property and Supply building vicinity to increase safety and curb the crime issues in the area. - Passed.
Motion CRST complete an in depth financial audit of the last 20 years and that those audit reports and findings be provided to the 6 district chairmans as well as the auditors answer to the 6 district chairmans. - Passed.
Motion to refer to the housing authority: depreciation scale for the old houses. - Passed.
Motion for animal control to have a humane round up all the lose animals on the reservation and to get them off the streets and get them placed and adopted out. - Passed.
Motion $1 million ramah money given to crha be given back to the Tribe and used to increase the elderly monthly stipend for one year. - Failed.
Special Meeting December 17th, 2019 to Select New District 5 Chair & Secretary
Motion to go full steam ahead on hemp do our own feasibility study on processor for the Tribe and submit a plan to the USDA. - Passed
Motion to support and approve District 1 motion to legalize marijuana for recreational use and medicinal use. - Chairman said the District 5 minutes vote was "9 yes, 3 no, 6 not voting." Did not pass at the Dist. But mins error saying it was approved. Lack of a majority vote at the District 5 meeting. - Motion is referred back to the district.
Motion to investigate New Hope and Old Agency homeless shelters of abuse to homeless from workers. - referred to AO - Passed.
Motion to recall council representatives (all four District 5) - No Action. Chairman says to report back that there is a process in the Constitution. And this body of council doesn't get involved.
Motion to pay for filing fee out of $3000 for court filing fee and others fees to use to recall all four representatives. - No Action. Chairman says to report back to the District that the Court is not a part of any recall process.
Recessed unitl the following day.
Day 2 Wednesday January 8th, 2020
Called to order at 9:40 am
Roll call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bob, Derek, Mark, Tater, Ted, Ryman RJay.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Evann.
Prayer by Ryman.
Late: Merrie. Bryce.
District Reports for District 1 but Bryce ITW not here yet.
Legal Report
Motion for executive session - Passed. 9:49 am.
Out of executive at 1142 am.
Motion to get the Tribe out of the lawsuit with the Army Corp of Enigeers re: the Moreau River flooding case. - Passed.
Motion to start the litigation against Army Corp. Engineers, BIA, EPA and Boyd Parsons. - Passed.
CRST Housing Authority Director Sharon V. addresses Council on the projects.
Main Street Apartments - issues with the soil having fuel contamination left by the IHS. To date there are five test wells that have been drilled and have been tested mutiple times, each test reports show unacceptable levels of contamination. Plan to test again in the spring to determine if the snow melt and spring rains helped lower the contamination levels. CRHA cannot expend any federal dollars on Project with out the Environmental Review. Also, may have to abandon the project so it would become a Brownsfield clean up project.
2020 Projects that are funded:
First Camp 24 units, North Star 1 = 4 units, Individual Homeownership = 4 units, Manor Upgrade, North 212 water and sewer, Tax Crdit Project = 36 units, North Star 2 = 6 units, Main Street Apartments = 24 units and Main Street Houinsg = 14 units, Courtyard Homeownership Project, Cherry Creek Community Center, LaPlant Community Center, Creekside Apartments = 6 units.
Lunch break.
Called order at 3:05 pm.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bob, Derek, Mark, Tater, Ryman, Merrie, RJay.
Late: Bryce.
Arvol LH addresses Council regarding land issue.
Edna T addresses Council regarding an issue.
Motion for executive session. - Passed. 3:18 pm.
Out of executive about 3:25 pm.
Finishing District 1 Report, November 24, 2019 mins
Motion that all Tribal Council Representatives and Executives undergo the Orientation again at their next committee meetings to refresh tehir memeroy of what their role is as an elected official and to abide by it at all times. - Passed.
Motion that the Chairman Harold Frazier, Treasurer Benita Clark and Secretary Evann White Feather as employees of the CRST Be in the office at 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday to handle the day to day perations of the tribe and be readily available for the peaople for business during these days and times.- Failed.
Motion to reiterate to all Tribal Council Representatives and Executives to stay out of personnel issues and cease any action on all tribal employees effective. - Failed
Motion to direct Lyle S., Tribal Projects Director to advertise all projects and bids to the public in the West River Eagle and surrounding newspapers that the CRST works with for advertising. - Failed.
Motion to advertise the Eagle Butte Lakota Thrifty Mart Manager position to permanent staus instead of acting capacity currently held by Tyson L. To include qualifications for this position at the minimum of bachelors in business administration and/or management. Motion was amended to refer to CREDCO JD Williams to handle. - Passed.
Motion in support of our youth travel time will be included for employees for all off and on reservation school sports activities and will be granted also to the uncles, aunties, caregivers and guardians whom attend school sports events to show moral support for the minor children shall be considered as administravtive leave effective December 2, 2019. - Failed.
Motion to support and approve to legalize marijuana for medicinal recreational use. - 3 yes, 6 no, 3 abstain, Failed
Motion to support the 2018 Farm Bill and to omit the DEA’s language regarding the USDA Secretary Purdue’s 161-page draft establishment of a domestic hemp production program. - Passed.
--end of district reports--
Vote on Weed
Motion to approve to put the legalization marijuana of medicinal and recreational and refer to the election board to put on a ballot for the primary election. - Passed.
Recessed until the following day.
Day 3 Thursday January 9th, 2020
Called to order at 9:35 am
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce Bob, Derek, Vince, Mark, Tater, Ryman, Merrie, RJay.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Evann. And assistant Kim.
Prayer by Tater.
Late: Ed, Ted.
9:45 am Floor time to Joe L.
10:20 am Floor time to Lanny Jr.
1043 am Floor time to Maxine BP & Denell T. RE: Marvin BP home.
10:47 am Floor time to Rose M. RE: letter
Motion to approve the financial request for Rose M in the amount of $15,000 for legal fees. - Passed
Motion to reimburse out of Ramah (the $15,000.00). - Passed.
11:25 am Floor time for Lynn C. RE Healthcare bill.
Motion to request the EB IHS to pay Lynn C IHS bill and all other members bill . - Passed.
Motion to give Judge Carroll a hearing according to Law & Order code proceedures. - Passed.
Lunch break
Called to order at about 1:40 pm.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bob, Vince, Tater, Ryman, Merrie, RJay.
Late: Derek, Ted, Ed.
Legal Presents Resolution for the Hemp Plan to be submitted to USDA.
Motion to approve the resolution on the Hemp Plan for CRST. - Passed.
(8 yes, 3 no.)
Motion to apply for a homelessness grant $500.000.00 request to rehab the CR Motel and to build a neighborhood for the homelessness. - Passed.
Motion to refer to the Land committee draft resolution on Black Elk Wilderness. - Passed.
Motion to approve a resoltuion to transfer IHS Regional Director Driving Hawk to another region. - Passed.
Motion to approve resolution to transfer back Justin Keckler to the CR Service Unit. - Passed.
Motion for Chairman Frazier to write a letter to Chris Mandragen IHS Deputy Director of Field Ops to come to our Service Unit and meet with the Tribe. - Passed.
Dane LB Addresses Council re: parking and phone ettique for the Tribe.
HAWK 1890 release statement on Big Foot Memorial Ride
Jewell B addresses council re: various issues.
Legal Report
Motion for Executive Session. Out of Executive session.
Motion to refer Jewell B issue to Treasurer. - Passed
Recessed until the following day.
NOTES Day 4 Friday January 10th 2020
Called to order at 9:48 am by chairman.
Roll Call: Bernita, Jim, Tuffy, Bryce, Bob, Derek, Vincent, Ed, Tater, Ryman, Merrie.
Executives: Benita, Harold, Evann, and assistant Kim.
Prayer by Jim.
Claims & Legislation Committee Report
No actions for Council at this time. Issues with the mins not complete.
37 billion IHS total annual budget. Oct. 31st report TT, CEB, BIA WAPA credit $576,000
Motion to refer tne WAPA issues to Claims & Legislation committee. - Passed.
Motion to allow the six current elected hiring board members serve until September 30, 2020 alongisde a randomly selected program director for the hringin panel. As of October 1, 2020 the hring panel will be composed of randomly selected program directors. - Failed.
Motion to refer to the legal Steven G the EB City water rates. - Passed.
Motion to refer to legal Steven G re: the IHS water and sewer eligiablity for the Tribe to have the right to determine what is a permanent structure. - Passed.
Motion to refer to legal dept. The LIHEAP guidlines regarding house. - Passed.
Education Report
November 2019 mins.
CRST Scholarship Policy changes:
Motion to approve the changes to the Scholarship policy section. - Passed.
Motion to approve to add the following amendment 3. Graduate students will be allowed to accumulate up to 15 credit hours as a part time student and will receive up to $1500.00. Once the student has earned 15 credit hours attending part time, the student then is required to enroll full time. Part time students must comple the term with a minimum GPA of 2.0, earning no less than the original number of credit hours for which they received funding or be suspended from the program. Grantuate student are allowed up to sic sememseters fuding as set forth in section H. - Passed.
Motion to approve the following amedndment ot he CRST Scholarhsip Program Policy page 8 (2) A students academic info such as greades or academic standing GPA , adademic transprict, academic warning, adcdemic probation or discipline records)will be given to the student adn not to the parents. - Passed.
Motion to approve to add the folowing amendment to the CRST Scholarship program policy page 8 and 9 all undergraduate students may receive up to 10 semesters of funding and may be rquired to submit 2 letters of recommendation from the college registrar and from an advisro to determin if th esutdent is making the effort towards the completion of thier academic goals. - Passed.
Motion to approve to add the following amendment to to the CRST Scholarship Program Policy page 9 (3) undergraduate students who earn over 100 credits in any declared major are prohibited from terminating their degreee program and starting overin a new feild of study with the expectation of having 10 newq semesters funded. - Passed.
Motion to approve to add the following amendment o the CRST Scholarship Program Policy page 9 (4) Graduate students may recive up to 6 semesters of fudnig and may be rquried to submit a letter of recommendation frmo the collge registarr and from and advisore personnnel to dertmine if the student is making a sincere effort towards the completion of their eacademic goals. -Passed.
Mtoion to approve to add the following amendment ot the CRST Scholarship program plicy page 10(1) payment shall be made to the institution for student. - Passed.
Higher Ed Scholarship Policy change:
Motion to approve by resolution payment shall be made to the institution for the student. - Passed.
Motion to allow Takini School to get a waiver to purchase products from US Foods. - Passed.
Motion to approve to purchase metal ramps for all out centers of Head Start. - Passed.
Motion to extend Donna Denker CPA contract with Tribal Ed Agency - Passed.
Motion to approve resolution for Kella Withhorne Good Feather recognition Lakota Women Warriors for Female Veterans reppresenting CRST at the LNI. - Passed.
Motion to refer the issue to the Chairman’s Office. - Passed
Motion to approve resolution for Missouri Breaks Research Inc. CARIN Project, Research the geneonomic for native communities, Geneonomic research has Americn Ind and Alaskan Native. - Passed.
Motion to apporve resolution for Missouri Breaks Reasearch Inc to MBRRI Phase 2 Environmental study on autoimmune disease, Final report to be provided to the CRST. Support the phase 2 of the study, CRST to retain ownership rights. - Passed.
Recessed for a week until Friday.
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